achieve medical weight loss

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achieve medical weight loss

so that's something that i really want youto think about, is those beliefs that you had in your head so� the fourth reason thatmost people yo-yo with their weight loss� now i forgot the reason. sweety, i'm heading to the grocery there anything we need? vegetables. nothing but vegetables. hon, weare going on a veggie diet.

achieve medical weight loss

achieve medical weight loss, okay. mmm. oh, god. isn't this great? mmhmm. so you ready for dinner, sweetheart?

yes, i'm kind of hungry. vegetables again, right? kind of have to eat the vegetables, huh? well� sweetheart, i'm going to the grocery there anything we need? so i read that carbs are bad for us, horriblefor us, so veggies are out. this week all we're doing are lean proteins and nuts. sothat means fish, chicken, and nuts. fish, chicken, and nuts? okay. mmm. gosh. this is great. don't you just loveit?

hey, sweety. i'm going to the grocery, chicken, nuts again? vegetables? what is it this week? you are going to love this one. burgers, candy,cookies, chips, cake. you can eat whatever you want. as i read, as long as it fits inour macros we can eat it. what the heck is a macro? well, heck if i know, but it sure sounds goodto me. okay. junk food. mmm. donuts. what's this? well, we kind of met most of our macros forthe day.

we're out of macros. are you stuck in a fat trap where you yo-yowith your weight loss, you are on the seesaw, a diet dilemma, up and down the roller coaster.i mean, we have all sorts of names for it. it's when we get on a diet and we either getoff of it within a few days or few weeks or we actually achieve our goals and then wego right back to what we were doing before and, slowly but surely, gain all that weightback and sometimes even more so. i watched my mom on this roller coaster for most, ifnot all, of her life. so why does this happen? why do we go on these diets and we're allgung-ho, we're ready to lose the weight, we're tired of being overweight, we're tired ofbeing fat, we're tired of feeling crappy,

so we're all gung-ho and we start to loseweight, or we lose a significant amount of weight, or we even achieve our complete weightloss goal, and then we go right back to what we were doing before and gain all the weightback. and this really perplexed me, so i started doing a whole bunch of research to find outthe top reasons why we do so. and then i'm going to give you all sorts of tips on howyou can stop this roller coaster ride, stop the madness, of the diet trap. truly, theone that perplexes me the most is when individuals actually do achieve their weight loss goalsand then they go right back, and, candidly, that is pretty consistent. there are veryfew individuals that actually achieve their weight loss goals and then keep it for it genetics? are some of us just plagued

to be fat? we just don't have any controlover that whatsoever? is it age? there's some magical number out there that our metabolismslows down over time and just gets harder and harder for us to actually lose weightand keep it off? or is a lack of discipline? are there just some people that are more disciplinedthan others and have that magic formula that they're able to not crave junk food and notcrave all the typical american diet stuff? so you probably already know i'm a perpetualstudent, so when i start thinking about this topic for this fabulously fit friday, i didall sorts of research about "why we are on this diet trap," "why do we yoyo with ourdiet and roller coaster with our weight?" "why don't we stick with it?" and then cameup with all sorts of ways that you can make

sure that you don't get on that roller coasteragain, once and for all. so, first, let's talk about the typical reasons that we believethat we can't lose weight or keep it off. number one, and one of my favorites, is thefat gene. fact or fiction? there is a gene, or a set of genes, out there that makes uspredisposed to gaining weight and keeping it on. this one, much to my surprise, is afact. but what's interesting about this argument about the fat gene: yes, there are studiesthat have taken two individuals, gave them the same amount of calories, the same typesof food. one individual gained something like 600% more fat than the other one, and theother one pretty much stayed the same. so researchers have found is that there's certaingenes that make this one individual, that

gained the 600% more fat, predisposed to gainingfat when they are on an increased caloric diet and they're eating a bunch of crap. sowhat does that mean for you? if you happen to have that fat gene, well, yeah, you'renot going to be able to eat a bunch of crap and not gain weight. but is that an excuse?does that mean that you're never going to get into shape, you're never going to losethat weight and feel great? well, absolutely not. so the fat gene can not be used as anexcuse. i imagine i've got that fat gene. well, i've got to work at it a little bit,but i'm not going to use that as an excuse to eat a bunch of crap and just say, "well,i've got a fat gene so i'm going to give up altogether." what i'll also tell you is thatto get into amazing, awesome, sexy shape it

is really hard to eat junk food and accomplishthat kind of body, whether you've got the fat gene or not. so don't let the fat lossgene be an excuse for you not to work on fitness, not to get into amazing, incredible, awesomeshape. the second reason many of us believe that we can't lose weight and can't keep itoff and stay in great shape is age. this is one that i love as well because, if you'vebeen following fabulously fit friday, if you've been following me on figure & bikini, youknow that i'm going to be 43 years old in just a few weeks. i'm in the most outstandingshape of my life, and i didn't get there by spending endless hours in the gym and starvingmyself. and, certainly, years ago i tried techniques like that and i didn't get theresults that i was looking for so it took

me awhile to learn how to really do it properly,and now that i know how to do that, i can sculpt my body any way i want to. i'm notstarving, i'm not spending endless hours in the gym. i love my life, i love the way ifeel, and i love the way i look at--almost--43 years old. so is it fact or fiction that agecan affect your metabolism and how easy it is to lose weight and keep it off? well, thesimple answer to that is, yeah, it's fact. but i, again, i'm going to say, you can'tuse that as an excuse because metabolism does slow over the decades. the average percentagethat it's slowed is by 2 to 3% per decade. when you think about that, by the time you're50, you may have had a slowed metabolism by 10%, and what's that? 160 calories by all that means is that you've got to rev

up your metabolism, do a little bit more exerciseto keep that weight off. but i don't think that's the problem. i'm going to be very candidhere. i think the problem is, as we get older, we naturally are less active than we werewhen we were younger, so we think that it's age and our metabolisms slowing down, butyou know what? our metabolism doesn't slow down enough to create the weight gain thatmost people are seeing. my bet's going to be that you're less active and you're eatingmore. that combination is just simply going to make you gain fat pounds. the third reasonthat i often hear is that, "i don't have enough time." here's another one. if you've beenfollowing me you know that this is a biggie for me. you know, we all have 24 hours inthe day. it's how we use that 24 hours that

makes the difference. i'm a very busy individual,but i make sure that fitness, and eating clean, and getting to the gym for my resistance trainingis a high priority. i take care of a house, i have a corporate executive job that demandsa lot of my time, i've got a son that i'm raising, and i do this kind of stuff. so i'ma pretty busy individual, so if i can find time to do this, most of you can too. so don'tlet time be an excuse. what the excuse likely is, and we have to be real with ourselvesabout this, is prioritization. if you're spending time watching tv, if you're spending lotsof time on facebook, or you're playing around on farmville, you have time to get to thegym and you have time to precook your meals. so if you think time is an excuse, make surethat you're being realistic about that. the

fourth reason that i often hear that peoplebelieve that they can't lose weight and keep it off is that they're not dedicated enough.and this is another one. it all comes down to priorities. it also comes down to thatwhole pain and pleasure argument. you know what? if something gives us a lot of pleasure,usually we're going to do it. or if something is going to avoid pain for us in the future,we'll often do that as well. a great example is brushing your teeth every day. i imaginethat most of you do that and it's not because you enjoy brushing your teeth usually. youwant to have fresh breath because you don't want your partner to smell something that'sgoing to make them pass out, and you don't want to have cavities. you want to go to thedentist, you don't want to pay for a drilling

and you don't want to go through that pain,so we brush our teeth religiously every day, hopefully, twice or three times a day. samewith taking a shower. we don't have to take showers every day. americans, we do. aroundthe rest of the world, sometimes they don't. but we do so because the cultural norms andbecause we don't want the pain of somebody telling us we stink. you are dedicated todoing many habits every day, even if that habit is getting out of bed and moving downto the couch and flipping on the tv. you have the dedication to do so, so it comes downto, again, priorities. you just got to shift your priorities around. if you have that dedicationto do some things, you definitely have the dedication to do other things. individualslike myself are no dedicated, no more disciplined

than anybody else. it's just become a priority,it's become our way of life. (alarm rings) and do we struggle sometimes? is it reallyhard for me to get out of bed in the morning and get on the treadmill to do my cardio?absolutely. sometimes i really just don't want to get out of bed, and sometimes i don'twant to go to the gym. i'm too tired after i get home from work, but i try to. i'm notalways perfect, but i really try to get my butt in there because i know that i'm goingto feel better about myself later. i know that carrying extra fat pounds is really notdesirable for me. there's a lot of pain associated with that. the pleasure of having a muscular,tight, energetic body way outweighs that temporary

discomfort that it takes me to get to thegym. and then the fifth reason that i often hear about is that, "i just don't know howto do it. i've tried everything and nothing works." you know, there's so much informationout there and especially in the age of the internet. you know, you can find just aboutanything about diet and there's all these new fad diets: low fat, high carb, low carb,high fat, high protein. i mean, there's so much information out there. "do this exerciseor that exercise." it can be absolutely overwhelming and confusing. so this is one that i trulybelieve is an issue. so if you feel like you don't have the knowledge to get into and stayin amazing shape, well, you're not alone. millions, and millions, and millions of peoplefeel the same way and it's due to the overabundance

of information and, candidly, really savvymarketers that want you to buy their stuff so they give you a whole bunch of crap that'struly not true. so the big thing about those five excuses that we tell ourselves why wecan't take off the weight and why we can't keep it off, well, is that we've oftentimessabotaged ourselves before we've even started. we've got that belief in our head. we're alreadydoomed. we'll start on a diet program but as soon as we trip up just a little bit, wehave a bad day, we're going to say, "oh, yep. see. i can't do it because i'm too old," "becausei have the fat gene," "because i don't have enough time." because, because, because. we'llmake up any excuse to prove ourselves right because, you know what? human beings don'tlike to be wrong. we like to be right, so

we've got this belief in our head, we're goingto convince ourselves that are right. and if you don't believe me about that, thinkabout it. have you ever, ever in your lifetime, argued something until you're blue in theface even though you know you're wrong anyway? all of us have because we don't want to bewrong. it's against human nature to want to be wrong. so when we start a diet programor we start a new lifestyle and we trip up a little bit, if we have those beliefs, anyof them or a bunch of them in our head, we're going to say, "oh, see. can't do it. i wasright." that's something i really want you to think about, is those beliefs that youhave in your head that really are going to sabotage you before you even get started,which brings me to the reasons that we do

yoyo, and seesaw, roller coaster--whateveryou want to call it. so, first, just like i talked about, we don't want to be wrong.and this is linked to the second reason which is this all-or-nothing attitude. if you everstarted a diet and then you tripped up just a little bit, you had a piece of cake andyou're like, "oh, i screwed it up so i might as well just binge for a day." well, thatall-or-nothing attitude really comes back to those beliefs that you have inside yourhead that say, "i can't do this because�" the third reason that people typically seesawor yoyo with their weight loss is because they're not prepared to handle the new situationsthat they're going to face when they change their lifestyle. this could be social situations,it could be work meetings, it could be vacations,

it could be a whole bunch of things, but ifyou're not prepared to handle, "okay, well, how am i going to deal with this when i goout to a restaurant with my friends and they're pushing me to eat lasagna or something thatis really not healthy, it's not on my clean-eating diet?" if you don't have a strategy aheadof time of how to handle that, oftentimes you're going to trip up and then off you go.but if you've prepared for your meals for the week and you have strategies on how tohandle those situations, which i really talk about in fab university that equip you withall those strategies to handle vacations, eating out, work meetings, traveling, youknow, pretty much any situation that you're going to come across�

if you have those strategies in place yourlikelihood of success goes up exponentially. without them, your likelihood of failure ishuge. the fourth reason that most people yoyo with their weight loss is because their supportgroup, their peers, don't change as they take off the weight. now, think about this. beforeyou've taken off the weight, likely a lot of the people that you've surrounded yourselfwith are on the same journey that you are. typically, they love to eat, they love sweets,most of them are probably not in the best shape. but as you start to lose weight, atfirst they may be really supportive, but truly what happens is oftentimes they don't wantyou to truly change, and it's not because they don't love you. it's not because theydon't care about you, but it's because by

you losing weight, by you keeping it off,it actually points out their own flaws and it makes them feel bad about themselves. soif you don't surround yourself with new friends, with new individuals that will support yourjourney, oftentimes that alone will trigger you getting back into your old eating habits,back into your old non-exercise habits. what's really interesting about this, i saw thisjust recently with an individual that i worked with. this individual had 40 pounds that theywanted to lose and the people that they surrounded themselves before shared in the unhealthy,non-clean lifestyle. but as this individual kept dropping weight more and more, they realizedthat they need to surround themselves with individuals that support that lifestyle, thatsharing that lifestyle. and, now, what's interesting

that happened, that individual did that--surroundedthemselves with individuals that support that lifestyle strongly--and now the pressure isactually the other way, which i love to see. so because that peer group is really supportiveof that lifestyle and lives that lifestyle, this individual that i worked with does notwant to go back to the old ways because it's actually peer pressure to keep the new waysgoing. this individual doesn't want to go into the gym 20 pounds overweight and facethe questions from their friends of, "what the heck happened to you?" so not surroundingyourself with supportive people and not creating a new peer group can certainly impede yoursuccess. the fifth reason is not having a sustainable lifestyle. you know, i see a tonof individuals that come to me that say, "i've

been on this diet plan from my trainer. theyput me on 1,200 calories and i've been losing weight, but i find myself wanting to bingeand i don't know what to do afterwards. kristin, can you help me?" i see this all the timeand it breaks my heart because what happens is, you know, they've got a diet plan froma trainer and it's a well-meaning trainer. i'm not slamming trainers out there becausetrainers are well-meaning, but oftentimes not teaching their clients how to sustaina clean-eating lifestyle. handing somebody a diet plan is not teaching them about howto eat clean for the rest of their life. well, that's another thing that i teach in fab university.i'm not handing out a diet plan. i don't believe in that. i believe in teaching you how toget to a sexy, amazing, incredible body, but

you get there by learning all the ins andouts of how to do it yourself. and then the second piece of that is, okay, once you'vebeen on a calorie restrictive diet, in order to lose the weight, in order to take thosefat pounds off and get into an amazing, incredible, sexy body, well, then what? most trainersare missing that piece as well. the sixth reason, one of my favorites about why peopleroller coaster with their weight loss is they have what i call f.l.m.l., fat loss memoryloss. we've lost a bunch of weight, and then when we're tempted by cake, or cookies, orsomething that's off our clean-eating plan, we say, "yeah, i can do that," because they'vetotally forgotten what it feels like to be overweight and they've totally forgotten whythey started in the first place. they forgot

how crappy they felt and the motivators, thestrong motivators, for them to get on their new clean-eating plan in the first's a form of amnesia. and, i'm telling you, it happens all the time. and then the lastreason that i see oftentimes that people stay on this yoyo or roller coaster is that theyset a goal and that because a finish line rather than just a goal as a score in thegame. and what i mean by that is we get to our fat loss goal. we look great, we feelgreat, and we go, "whew. okay. i'm done. i can rest now," and then we slowly go backto our old ways of doing things that got us all those fat pounds in the first place. thisis extremely common. so now that you know all the reasons that people do get on thisroller coaster and stay on the roller coaster,

what can you do to make sure that this doesn'thappen to you at all or again? first, be prepared. prepare your meals, be prepared for thosesocial situations. you have to be prepared to handle what inevitably is going to happenwhen you start losing weight or when you take it off completely. without preparation, you'relikelihood of success drops exponentially. second, cure that fat loss memory loss. keepprogress pictures in front of you all the time. keep reminders around of what it waslike when you felt crappy. next, set yourself goals but not just a big fat loss goal. "okay,i want to lose 15 pounds," or 20 pounds, or 50 pounds, or whatever it is that you're settingfor yourself. you've got to have intermediate goals even after that. so, for myself, i usecompetitions to do so to keep me on track.

but, for you, it might be a wedding, or aphoto shoot, or maybe even a vacation that you're going to go on. but have those intermediategoals so that it is not a finish line that you're going to where you say, "okay, i canrelax now," but that this is a lifelong lifestyle and the more you do it, and the longer youdo it, the higher your likelihood of success for life. and, next, make sure that you surroundyourself with individuals that support you and share in your goals and lifestyle. thatdoesn't mean that you have to clean out all your friends and replace them with other friends.what it does mean is that you're probably going to have to get out of your comfort zonea little bit and meet new individuals that share in your goals, dreams, and lifestyle.they will help you to stay committed. and

then, finally, get yourself educated withthe right education. you know what? if you're on a meal plan and it's not working for you,either you feel like you don't really know what you're doing, you're just given a plan,or, if you are doing something and it is working but it doesn't feel good, well, then it probablyisn't good. if you don't have the tools to be successful for life, then you're probablynot going to be successful for life, so i highly encourage you to get educated and notjust get a meal plan from somebody. so that wraps it up for this fabulously fit friday,and if you liked this episode go ahead and hit that "like" button below because thattells other people that this episode is really valuable. and if you want a deeper dive intohow to get into crazy, sexy, awesome shape

make sure you head over to figureandbikini.organd check out fab university where i share everything. if you want to see more episodesof fabulously fit friday, make sure you hit that "subscribe" button on youtube here andyou'll be notified of each episode as it's released. i'm kristin shaffer, founder offab university and, and i hope to see you at the next fabulously fitfriday. hey, gals. fab university is open. head to to check it out.

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