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motivational weight loss quotes
hello. my name is nicole kellermanand i'm founder and creator of successful weight loss school. i am also a personal trainerand weight loss and lifestyle coach. if you would love to lose weight, well tighteningand toning your body and staying that weight forever, i'm going to show exactly step bystep on how to do that without dieting or stuffing on a dreadful treadmill. if you restruggling with your weight and feel like
motivational weight loss quotes, you're stuck in a body that you don't absolutelylove then you were going to enjoy this free weight loss training that i have for you.now is the time to take action because here are the facts: when you feel better aboutyourself, your world lights up, right? you laugh more. you smile more. you feel morejoy. and for that everybody reaps the benefits.
so there's no reason not to pay for this freevideo training because i'm gonna be showing you step by step on how to lose weight, havemore fun and never have to worry about gaining it again. just a fair warning; this is notsome quick fix diet that's going to give you temporary results. there's no restrictivemeal plans and exercise regimens. i don't believe in that stuff. this is about lifelong change and this is a weight loss approach that you've never seen before. we're all aboutteaching you on how to lose weight by having more fun. yes. weight loss and fun can gohand in hand and i'm going to show you exactly how they do. i know this sound a little outthere and maybe you question it. well, rest assured this works. as being a personal trainerand weight loss and lifestyle coach over the
last 7 years, i have countless clients loseweight and saying they actually had a good time while doing it. one of my god-givinggifts was to motivate. ever since i was a young kid i could see the potential in everybody.and i was not good zipping my lips about it, which got me in trouble a few times. and i'malso an extreme type a which could definitely a course sometimes but when i learn on howto use for advantage in my business, i was able to come a formula for weight loss thatis simple, easy and effective. i can show you a way to execute weight loss plan likeyou ve never seen. so you probably wonder how i got into the fitness field. well, letme tell you, i was not an athlete in high school nor did i eat healthy. i love fastfood. i was a fast food junkie and i hate
to exercise. i actually almost failed in p.ein high school. so this is not something i was born with. i had to learn it. so, longstory short, i got a high school and i gained 30 pounds. i was lost. i had no idea whatto do. and so i was lost but also determined. i'm telling you, i'm determined, a littlesucker. so what did i do, i decided to try every single diet out there weight watchers,diet pills, body for life, working out two times a day, eat stop eat, jillian michaelsmaking the cut video, just eating vegetables, working out for two hours, juice fasting fordays, the master cleans (oh! i gotta go) and top it all, i was a big starver and binger.if i try to rack my brain, i could probably come up with a few more, you get the point.i was a diet junkie. i love to be on diet.
i thought that was the only way you couldlose weight. so what i really learn during that time was not to deal. so that in combinationwith being a personal trainer and weight loss and lifestyle coach of the last 7 years, icreated a formula that is simple, effective and works for the long term. and that's exactlywhat we do in successful weight loss school. if you join i would love to help you too.so now that you got here, i wanted to tell you how buying an expensive jacket actuallyhelps you lose weight. alright, for how many times you said, "when i lose weight i'll finallygo shopping." right. so many fingers, you don't have to count. well, that stop right therecould be busy holding you back from losing weight. it's been scientifically proven thatlike a tracks life and thoughts become things.
this isn't some airy fairy bias; do not rollyour eyes at me. if you want to see staggering proof that this is real, google emoto's watercrystals. so you tell me how you feel getting dressed up every morning, right? doesn't itsucks? i know how you feel. you opened up the closet door, your stomach drops. right,you hate this part. suck. you try on all different kinds of clothes only to figure out that theydon't fit you, making you feel even worse about yourself and you finally decide on oneof the four outfits that you wear that don't make you look too bad, right? so, if you'realways walking around in clothes that make you feel fat and frumpy for example, and remember,like a truck's life and thoughts become things, it's no wonder you're stuck. alright, areyou still with me here? or you're picking
up what i'm throwing down? i know this isa little out there but stay with me. okay, if you keep playing, 'when i lose weight i'game, you are going to be struggling with your weight for the rest of your life. i havea question for you. how will you feel and what will you do if you lose weight? do youhave that laundry list? well, i actually like you to write them down. so go there get thepen and paper. i want you to do this with me right here and right now. so hurry. go.go scream. and get your pen and paper. come back. and i want you to write down and giveyou 30 seconds. how will you feel and what will you do when you lose weight? wasn't thatgood? aren't you starting the feel those feelings just by writing that list? yes! that's exactlywhere i need you to stay. when you keep generating
those feelings because remember like a truck's life and thoughts become things. so, there are two more assignments to help you generatethose feelings; the first one is the expensive jacket effect. yes i am telling you to goshopping. yes! shopping. you don't have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. all youneed to do is buy two new outfits. don't roll your eyes at me. don't shake your head. don'ttell me it's going to be terrible. get a sales lady to help you. she can help you tofind clothes that fit your body. the only requirement that i have for at least two outfitsis to make sure there's color. ideally red but any color work will do. and black? nota color. sorry sister. also, make sure to get some accessories. it's a nice way to makeyou look good and feel good. and i know you're
probably questioning why i'm telling togo on shopping when you're planning on slimming down and not being able to wear these clothesanymore but trust me, this works. you can always donate them or send in tailor. do notuse that as an excuse. this is going to make you feel incredible. now, before you stopthis video (because you think i totally lost my marbles) let's think about this for a minute.if you're walking around with those two new outfits that make you feel hot and sexy, whatkind of message are you now putting up there? hot and sexy baby! yeah! we need more of thosehot and sexy feeling all the time. i am telling you start doing this. the weight is gonnacome melting off. because this is the bottom line of it all, "the better you feel, the healthierdecisions you will naturally make." oh! and
by the way, if you haven't hopped on overto successfulweightlossschool.com, i hope you go on over there and put your name andemail address to get more of this weight loss video training. this is only the tip of aniceberg. the second thing that i need you to do right now (told ya a little bossy)is a homework assignment i'd like to call, "damn, i rock!" there's a pdf that you can printoff right below this video that s gonna show you step by step how to generate more of thosefeelings. thank you so much for sticking with me through this video so far. now let's doa quick review of what we've talked about. number 1: like a truck's life and thoughtsbecome things. number 2: the better you feel the healthier decisions you are naturallygoing to make. and, number 3: two homework
assignments to start generating more goodfeeling. so if you made it fun with this video, i want to congratulate you because obviously,you're a woman who believes you deserve better. you deserve more to have fun. now is the timetake action because knowledge without action is completely pointless. so we're going todo this together right now. in the comment section below i want you to start writingdown your 'damn i rock' assignment and tell me 3 of your top accomplishments. cool? sowrite below in comment section, 3 of your top accomplishments. i hope you got a lotof value out of this training video and i sure hope you generate some of those goodfeelings. let's not be selfish and share this with 3 other women you know. now is the timefor us women to come together and support
each other through weight loss training. itmakes me so sad to see how many women sabotage each other. so i'm here to change that. andyou can start that right now by sharing out with 3 other women you know. in the next video,i'm going to give you my dirty little secrets to ditching the stress for good. because truthis, stress = fat and we don't want that. now that you have this foundational of weightloss, you need to know there's little secret so you can keep the weight off for-ev-a. thelast thing that i want to tell you is, now is the time. are you busy? yes. super busy?probably. well that's life. and the truth is it's never going to slow down. so you caneither stay in the body you can have now, saying i'm-too-busy-to-lose-weight excuse, oryou could channel who i'd like to call, your
determine badass and just figure it out. i'm telling you, you can do this. don't let anybody tell you differently because if ican do it, you can too. i believe in you. alright, i'm gonna stop talking now. get towork on your homework and i will see you in the next video.
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