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fasting for weight loss
hi guys, it's adelle. now many of you currently know me as someonewho likes to share my life on the internet and inspire other would be youtube entrepreneurs. but back in the day i was the water fast chick! the video i uploaded about my 10 day waterfast has been seen worldwide by over a million
fasting for weight loss, people. and it's still the most popular video in it'scategory. so i went and dug out the same shirt thati had on in that video which was shot almost exactly three years ago.
and i thought i would answer some of the mostburning questions that i received about water fasting: how much weight did iose by justdrinking water for ten days straight? how much weight did i gain after the waterfast? was i able to exercise? and did the water fast clear up my eczema? all that is coming up in this video so staytuned. so the first question i'm going to answeris was i able to exercise during this water fast? now the answer is absolutely not.
my body was rather fatigued for the firstlittle while. you get a bit of energy after you go for thefirst couple of days so you can use that for going on light walks or doing a bit of housework. but generally, you want to keep your brainoccupied with something that's fun, distracting and easy so that you're not thinking aboutfood and you're not building up an appetite. so i watched a lot of old movies, i read books,i played cute mobile app games like best fiends. best fiends is a free puzzle adventure gamewhere you collect and upgrade characters, you can match same colored objects and youcan actually connect to facebook to compete against your friends.
this was like the perfect game to kind ofunwind your brain and just have a bit of challenge and a bit of fun. i thought the characters were pretty cuteand best fiends actually sponsored this video, so thanks so much to them. this month there is a free valentine's dayheart challenge so, make sure you click the link below this video to download the gameand you'll get five dollars worth of gold and diamonds to use in the game for free. now the next question was did i lose weightwhile drinking only water for ten days straight? and the answer of course is yes!
eleven pounds in ten days. and the thing about losing weight that wayis it comes back really quickly. so to bring me to the next question, did igain weight after the fast, yes, i gained back those eleven pounds plus more. you know i gained about fifteen, sixteen poundsback and that was just a consequence of returning to a normal diet but also a consequence ofthis psychological thing that the fast that kind of messed me up where i was just reallyhungry for a super long time. and in the video i talked about how we hada party, we had like friends over and we just like had like a bunch of food and i cookedeverything and i went and bought all kinds
of food i wanted to eat and stuff. and like that continued for a good coupleof months. so i've said it before, i will say it again,if you are interested in doing a water fast for long term weight loss, i do not recommendit. i know there are some fitness professionalsfor will do things like this so that they will look good for competitions or a photoshoot. but just in general, water fasting for weightloss is a bad idea. which brings us to the next question, whichis the reason why i did the water fast in the first place.
i was really sick. i was experiencing a number of skin ailmentswhich is for me the first place where illness will show up. and i had eczema and psoriasis and you knowthe water fast had been recommended by the naturopath. they tell you about detoxing and your skinand gluten allergies and all kinds of crazy things. so this water fast was supposed to fix myskin condition. it didn't.
it didn't even help it, really. things just kinda stayed the same. and all these years later, i am mostly eczemaand psoriasis free for the most part. i have a pretty normal diet. i try to eat healthy and well but i stilleat out, i still eat gluten, i still have dairy, i don't eat 100% organic like i didback then. and yet my skin condition is perfectly fine,wonderful, healthy and i feel great. and i have a little bit of insight on thatthat i'm going to share. the first one is like a random thing thati kind of figured out and noticed.
one time we got these probiotics from thevitamin store that were supposed to be really good for skin conditions. and i had moderate eczema and it was itchyand rashy all over my body. and i thought oh okay let me take a good doseof these probiotics and go to bed and i'm sure it'll be great. so i took a good hit of these probiotics,washed it down with a bunch of water and when i woke up in the morning, i had weeping eczemaso badly that i could barely move. so my eczema had gone overnight gotten a wholelot worse. now there can be a few theories behind this.
you could say that well maybe the probioticswere doing a good thing and i was getting an intense detox or you could look at thatand say ok it seems that the eczema is related to something that would be affected by probioticsso i can't help but wonder if that is the underlying cause. and sometimes it's not necessarily affectedby the food we eat so much as it is the bacterial balance. eczema is still a mystery that science hasyet to figure out and the thing that seemed to cure it for me was leaving a unhealthyrelationship and doing the things i loved. my youtube career allowed me to move to themountains and live the life of my dreams.
i was so happy, i was breathing beautifulair, i was feeling good emotionally and when i made that transition from being miserable,living in the city and to just going and being where i wanted to be and doing what felt rightto me, almost all of my health issues went away. and as some of you know, i did have a majorhealth issue or two while i was out there and my body was recuperating from all thestress i had been under previously but all the skin conditions were gone. i didn't stop using makeup, i didn't stopusing certain creams, i didn't switch my laundry detergent, i didn't do any of those things.
those are the basic questions if you haveany more you can leave them below for me in the comments and please share your experiences. if you see questions that you know answersto please by all means answer them, community is what makes youtube great. make sure to subscribe to my channel for moreinteresting videos. follow me on twitter, add me on facebook andcheck out my pictures on instagram. i love hearing back from you guys. thanks so much and i'll see you again soon. bye for now.
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