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christian bale weight loss
we've heard of suffering for your art, butsome actors take it to extremes. it's one thing to do your own stunts, butit's another to completely change your body in drastic ways to nail a role. some stars eagerly embrace the challenge oftransformation, and still feel the burn after the filming stops.
christian bale weight loss, here are a few movies that seriously damagedactors' bodies tom hardy in the dark knight rises it's abundantly clear that tom hardy isn'tafraid of a little hard work. he got into massive shape and broke a fewbones when he played an mma fighter in warrior,
and stayed in shape to play max in fury road…where co-star charlize theron accidentally broke his nose. but it was as everybody's favorite bane thathe really blew our socks off. "bane!!!!!!!" ….wait, not that one. this one. it was his turn as the beefed-up bane in the2012 film the dark knight rises that hardy admits was the hardest. speaking with the daily beast, hardy saidthat adding all that muscle weight to his
slight 5'9" frame took a huge a toll, saying, "i've probably damaged my body too much. i'm only little! if i keep putting on weight i'll collapselike a house of cards under too much pressure. i think you pay the price with any drasticphysical changes. it was all right when i was younger, to putmyself under that kind of duress, but i think as you get into your 40s you have to be moremindful." comic accurate? not even close.
could still kick our butts inside out? absolutely. matt damon in courage under fire maybe he felt like he needed to prove himself,but early in his career, matt damon lost 40 pounds to play a role in the 1996 war dramacourage under fire — and his body came to regret it afterwards. the rapid weight loss caused lasting effectswith his blood sugar. damon told movieline, "i ran six miles in the morning and six milesat night, and i'd drink four to six pots of
coffee to be able to run that distance. ...i wouldn't waver from my diet. it got so bad that when my girlfriend kissedme, i'd have to wash my mouth out because i could taste the oils on her lips from thefood she'd eaten." humblebrag about his greasy girlfriend aside,even director ed zwick was shocked at how thin damon got, and told him to eat. damon refused, and as a result, damon hadto remain on medication to moderate his blood sugar for a year and a half. he clearly learned his lesson: for the martian,he simulated his character's severe end-of-movie
weight loss with digital effects instead ofactual starvation. ben foster in the program known as a character actor more than a leadingman, ben foster shines in just about whatever he does, and is completely willing to changehis appearance for a role. when foster got the chance to play the disgracedcyclist lance armstrong in the 2015 film the program, he went all in… and that includedtaking performance-enhancing drugs as part of his research, just like armstrong. while foster maintains that the drugs werelegal and taken under doctor supervision, he told the bbc that, unsurprisingly, thosedrugs messed with his body for quite awhile
after the film was wrapped, saying, "i had a great doctor, which helped me handlesome of those consequences. but it took about half a year to get my levelsright, and i would say for any athlete, you have to ask, 'where are your values?'" reportedly, those values included literallyeating dirt to get a better feel for his character in lone survivor, and buying, but not taking,meth for his role in alpha dog. gotta draw the line somewhere. matthew mcconaughey in dallas buyers club matthew mcconaughey has always been knownfor his incredible good looks, but these days,
the actor seems hell-bent on transformingthat handsomeness into something else — and it all seemed to start with his oscar-winningperformance in the 2013 dallas buyers club. the then-44-year-old dropped nearly 50 poundsfor the role. describing the experience of losing the weight,the actor told the bbc, "i did it in as healthy a way as i found possible. i met with a nutritionist. i gave myself four months to lose the weight. i had my programmed meals, lost 3.5 poundsa week — like clockwork — and got down to my desired weight, which turned out tobe 47 pounds lighter."
while mcconaughey never mentioned having anylong-lasting problems, it did change him a little, because he's never looked quite thesame since. see if you even recognize him in 2017's gold,for which, among other things, he gained weight. chris hemsworth in in the heart of the sea actor chris hemsworth also took the extremeweight loss plunge for his part in 2015's in the heart of the sea, where he plays owenchase, a man stranded at sea. the actor lost 33 pounds to accurately conveychase's the suffering, but he admitted it took quite a toll on his body and his mind,more so than building muscle weight for thor, which he told good morning america.
"the gaining is fine, you just eat a lot andyou lift weights but that was underfed, which led to a pretty moody existence and inconsistentemotions and so on." hemsworth only ate about 500 calories a day,consisting of boiled eggs, salads and, quote, "nothing much." as an actor, hemsworth wanted to play it real. "you know, in order to do it justice - thestory - we had to suffer in some way and we did. it was, you know, there was not a whole lotof acting was required." even more impressive, hemsworth was able torebound from the extreme change well enough
to return to the extremely buff, extremelymighty thor. christian bale in the machinist if there's a prize for crazy extremes actorsendure for their craft, the award goes to christian bale, who's known to, uh… reallyget into his roles. "what the… f--- are you doing? are you professional or not?" "yes, i am" " do i f---ing walk around and rip.." no! shut the f--- up bruce!"
he gained weight for american hustle, andbulked up to play batman. but it was his turn in the 2004 indie filmthe machinist that became his most infamous transformation. to play a person suffering from insomnia,bale lost 65 pounds by basically eating a single can of tuna fish or an apple a day,along with drinking black coffee and water. even the health professionals he consultedwith warned bale to not go too far, but he ignored their advice, telling moviepilot, "i had been to a nutritionist and when i hadgot down to what she had told me was a healthy weight, i just went, 'you know what?
i can go more than this. i can keep going.' so i lost another 20 pounds below what shesaid i should stop at." while the transformation was stunning, baleexplained more of his experience. "i didn't actually feel bad until i startedeating again. it was when i started putting the weight backon, that i did it somewhat too rapidly. ...you know, putting the weight back on ijust wanted to consume pizza and donuts." while bale managed to bounce back, it's apretty good bet he won't be taking another role as a psycho skeleton in the near future.
then again, who wouldn't want to see a moviecalled psycho skeleton starring christian bale? answer: no one. thanks for watching! click the looper icon to subscribe to ouryoutube channel. plus check out all this cool stuff we knowyou'll love, too!
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