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celebrity weight loss before and after
top 10 celebrity body transformations what's up everyone, today we're going to becounting down the top 10 celebrity body transformations you guys have been smashing the likes lately,it's actually my birthday on tuesday so if can we get 3,000pre-birthday likes that would make my day! also enter the massive giveaway i am doingwith some friends, it's powered by featurepoints,
celebrity weight loss before and after, the linkis in the description below and finally, one of the following body transformations is goingto be different to the rest, it's your guys job to figureout which one and leave a comment why 10) calvin harriscalvin harris is probably the perfect example
of someone who turned from your average lookinggeeky skinny guy, to an a class model who all the girlsfantasize over. over the last 10 years or so the calvin harrisbody transformation has blown many people minds and he is now fronting his second emporioarmani campaign! calvin's transformation has been the combinationof a few things, 1st being thrusted into stardom and celebritystatus your every move is scrutinized by the media, so calvin did what most men would andswitched to a super healthy lifestyle with plenty of exerciseand good foods. he currently gyms multiple times a week whenever hecan get time off from making music and going
on tours 9) miranda hartso miranda hart may be less recognizable to some of you americans and canadians watchingthis video but i know her from a few comedy shows that are broadcastedover here in the uk. she is one of the funniest femalecomedians but had always struggled with her weight as she went through her 30's. so, inhindsight of all of this she decided, on her 40th birthday, to putand end to her weight gain. what she decided to do was start eating welland exercising regularly, but being miranda hart she injected her own flair into the equationand created her
very own fitness dvd in the process. if wetake a look at her now we can see how far she's come and it's veryimpressive if i don't say so myself 8) jared letojared leto aka the lead singer from 30 seconds to mars aka the new joker made a massive weightgain back in 2007. he managed to gain over 60 pounds of weightin order to play john lennon's killer in the film chapter 27.leto aged 41 at the time told the new york daily news that he "gorged and force-fed"himself to put on the pounds. he said it took over a year to feel like hewas back to normal and that won't be gaining weight for a role again.another reason he said he won't be gaining
weight again is because he suffered severegout like foot pain while in this process 7) matthew mcconaugheycoming in at number 6 is matthew mcconaughey who's last name is really annoying to spellright. but his body transformation involved him losing over3 stone or a quarter of his total body mass. this was inpreparation for his role as an aids sufferer in the 2013 movie the dallas buyers club.he revealed after the movie that the extreme weight loss wasachieved by eating little to no food making matthew bad tempered,ravenous and grumpy a lot of the time. "it
was tough going, im not gonna lie, the dietingwas pretty hardcore. i was losing 7lb every week" bearin mind as well guys this was a 43 year old man doing this at the time. 6) mark wahlbergfor the movie pain and gain starring the rock and mark wahlberg mark had to put on a lotof muscle mass and in a very short period of time. somehow the41 year old managed to put on a total of 40lb of muscle in just2 months. he managed to pull this off by eating a ridiculous 12 meals a day which to us normalpeople sounds impossible. well it pretty much is if youstill want a normal sleep schedule, mark claims
he would eat allthroughout the day, have a final meal at 9pm then go to bed, however he had to wake upat midnight and have yet another meal. the worst thing howeveris having to eat the same foods over and over day in day out andalso having to eat them while still full from the previous meal. 5) chris hemsworthcoming in at number 7 is avengers and thor star chris hemsworth who has drastically transformedhis body on more than 1 occasion. 1st off back in 2011hemsworth packed on over 20 pounds of muscle by eatingconstantly to play his role in thor. he did
this by eating a low carb, high protein dietand heavily modifying his workout regime. chris put onso much muscle that he infact outgrew all of his costumesand had to have them re-sized. next we have chris hemsworth again but thistime he transformed his body to the complete other end of thespectrum. last year in 2015 in preparation for his roleas a shipwrecked sailor in the movie "in the heart of the sea"hemsworth lost an incredible amount of weight. he did this by following a strict 500 caloriea day diet for extended periods of time during the shootingof the movie. he also said "i spend more time
thinking aboutfood than anything else." 4) adeleadele is one of the few artists who can gain billions of views on youtube without sexualisingherself. but this hasn't stopped her severely slimmingdown the past couple of years between her 1st album release and hernewest one 25. adele claims there is a few things she changed to start losing weight,the main being cutting out her habit of 10 cups of tea a day eachwith 2 sugars in. adele has also quit smoking and has a meal supplierwho make sure she gets the right proteins and just has a clean diet in general. allin all adele looks a lot better
than she did back in 2009 and shows no signsof stopping anytime soon 3) gwyneth paltrownext up we have an actress some of you will probably recognize, gwyneth paltrow, bestknown for her roles in the avengers and iron man. but for this bodytransformation we are going to be talking about a lesser known moviecalled shallow hal. gwyneth paltrow stars alongside jack black as each others love interestduring the movie, however the twist in this movie is that jackblack sees women for their inner beauty on the outside. to explain itbetter he meets gwyneth who to him looks like an attractive 140lb lady, when in realityshe is actually 280lb.
in order to prepare for this role they hadto film all the parts where gwyneth paltrow was slim 1st, then she packedon a crazy 140lb over the next 5 months by eating 4000 calories a day, not exercisingand generally being lazy. this allowed them to finish the movie howevergwyneth says she is not prepared to do anything so drastic for a movieroll ever again 2) christian balenext up we have batman aka christian bale who transformed his body twice in a shortperiod of time in order to be able to play roles in 2 different movies.1st off christian shred 60lb going from 180lb to 120lb total, this wasso he could play an anorexic insomniac factory
worker in the machinist. in order to do thisbale essentially starved himself eating only an apple and a can oftuna each day. his workout included resistance weight training,plyometric circuit training, martial arts training and lots of sprints, lunges, squats,chin-ups and high pulls.however after this movie roll bales next gig was playing batman in the dark knight seriesfor which he had to add on 100lb of weight to take himself up to 220lb.in order to achieve this he ate about 15x more than what he didpreparing for the machinist as well as strenuous workouts and lots of protein filled foods
1) 50 centso picking between christian bale and 50 cent as who should be number 1 wasn't an easy decisionbut i have put 50 at this spot as his transformation shockedme a tad more than bale. what 50 cent did was drop 60lb from 220 to 160in just 9 weeks! that's only 63 days! this was done in order to prepare for his roleas a cancer patient in the 2010 film things fall apart. he achieved this insuch a short time period by ingesting a liquid-only diet combined withdaily three-hour treadmill walks. i am going to assume this was not fun in any way butfair play to 50 cent for sacrificing so much just to play a role ina movie
and those were the top 10 celebrity body transformations- don't forget to subscribe as i'm gonna be pumping out more videos this summer! finally if you haven't already don't forgetto enter the giveaway i'm hosting where you can win a portion of the $1000 grand prize,a link to it will be in the description and i'llprobably comment it as well but thanks for watching top trends, my nameis granty and i'll see you in the next video! what's up super subs, there's probably likeonly 5 of you or something so comment super sub so i know who got this farbut anyway i have an extra celeb for you guys, this is one i took out of the original top10 because i find someone better.
11) seth roganso pretty much number 11 is going to be seth rogan, one of my favourite actors and alsoone of the funniest. seths weight loss isnt anything too crazyas he only lost around 30lb in 9 months but to be honest he looks a hell ofalot better than he did before!
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