Judul : calorie calculator for weight loss
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calorie calculator for weight loss
in this video, i’m going to reveal the answerto a very common question that i receive multiple times a week… how many calories should i eat to lose weight? i’m about to reveal the answer to you…so let’s get started! what’s the magic number of calories youneed to eat to lose weight?
calorie calculator for weight loss, many people struggle to lose weight becausethey simply aren’t sure how many calories they need to consume, and you might be oneof them! i even had some trouble with this myself afteri had gained over 40 lbs. of fat in a short period of time…
by simply eating anything and everything insight! if i had only listened to the wise words ofchakra the fitness guru… fitness guru always says to track your calories,and watch what you eat. don’t end up like a fat ass… ohhhh, fitness guru… that chakra… sooo wise… anyhow, it wasn’t until i truly understoodthe answer to the question, of how many calories should i eat to lose weight? that i reallystarted to lose weight fast by burning off all the unnecessary fat i hadgained in the first place…
so here’s how i did it, and how you cantoo! first of all, there isn’t any one-fits allmagic number of calories that everyone should consume to lose weight… the specific number of calories can be differentfor everyone, depending on a number of factors… so the key is to find out what that specificnumber is for you. and you can do that by first finding out howmany calories you need to consume to simply maintain your current weight… as i explained in one of my previous videoson how to lose belly fat. you can use a good online calorie calculatoras a guide to find out what that number is
for you. once you know the amount of calories you needto maintain your current weight, consider that as your baseline amount of calories whereyou can start from… if you simply consume the same amount of calorieseveryday, without adding any more exercise, in most cases, your weight should stay thesame. if calories in equals calories out, you’dsimply be maintaining your current weight… if you consume more calories than you needto maintain your current weight, which isn’t that hard these days with all the junk foodsout there… without adding an increased amount of exercise…
well, in that instance, you will have no choicebut to gain weight, mostly, if not all from fat. and that’s exactly how you gained all thatextra weight in the first place, which you are now trying to lose… you simply kept on going over that baselinecaloric limit, and stored more and more fat over time. and every time you gain more weight, the amountof calories you need to maintain that weight also increases… and therefore you keep on raising that baselinebar higher and higher.
so now you know how to maintain your currentweight, and why you gained all the excess weight in the first place… but how do you lose weight? in short, by doing the exact opposite of whatyou did to gain weight in the first place… to lose weight you will have to start burningmore calories than you consume, by adding exercise, and by slowly dropping your dailycalorie intake below that baseline bar… so you’ll have to consume less caloriesthan you need to maintain your current weight, while also working out, and you will beginto lose weight… it’s really that simple.
you don’t need any magic pills, or secretworkouts… and you probably shouldn’t listen to anyone that claims otherwise. you simply have to create a caloric deficit,by first figuring out how many calories your body needs to maintain it’s current weight… and then start consuming less calories thanthat, while also working out around 4-6 days a week. dropping calories alone will most likely helpyou lose weight… but dropping some calories, in combinationwith daily exercise will really speed up the progress and overall results!
one last tip though… just because you need to consume less caloriesthan you need to maintain your current weight… doesn’t mean that you should cut your caloriesby such a high amount right away… instead, you should drop calories in stepsor phases, and only by about 300-500 each time… about every 2 weeks , or until you hit a plateauand stop losing weight. if you drop too many calories right off thebat, you won’t have any more calories to drop from… and you definitely don’t have to starveyourself to lose weight…
in summary, make sure you are at a caloricdeficit by consuming less calories than you burn… make sure you are also working out at least4 days a week, which will also help you to speed up your metabolism so you can lose weightfaster. eat healthy, and nutritious foods, while alsoconsuming plenty of water and vegetables throughout the day. track your progress and stay consistent! if you do all of those things, and eat theproper amount of calories every day, you will lose weight…
faster than you think! did you find this information useful? hope so! if you did, and would like me to share manymore videos like this, please support my youtube channel by subscribing, so you get all thelatest updates whenever i upload new videos. and let me know if you liked the video bygiving it a thumbs up below… you can also leave a comment if you have anyquestions, or would like to request any future video topics you would like me to post! and as i always like to say… “a life worthliving, is a life worth improving!â€
don’t forget to incorporate some form ofcardio into your routine… and go and get some abs now! ommmmmmm…. ommmmmmm. muscles, muscles… big muscles, calories.burn the fat, burn the fat, ommm, burn the fat, lose the belly fat… stubborn fat, go away, go away… oh, fitness guru here, just chanting the fataway. if you tell the fat to go away, sometimes it will listen. ommm, fat go, go go go away…
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