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hot yoga weight loss
hi, i'm tara stiles, and today on the yogasolution, i'm gonna show you a nice routine that you can do to slim your waist. let'sget started. we'll start on all fours on your hands and knees. make sure the fingers arespread nice and wide. we'll just start to warm up your spine a bit here. so as you inhale,gently drop your belly all the way down toward the ground, looking upward. and then as youexhale, rounding all the way and tucking your
hot yoga weight loss, chin in. and just a few a more times likethis here on your own here, nice and smooth and easy. if it feels a little bit nicer tomove around a little side to side or circle one way or the other way -- just anythingat all that feels good to start to get your spine moving for you. and then when you'reready here, gently tuck your toes, we'll start
to lift your hips all the way up and backto your nice downward dog. relax your head and neck and shoulders here. and then slowlywe'll start to walk your feet all the way up to the top of your mat here, one step ata time. once you're all the way up, folding in, we'll let your head and neck soften. andwe'll round up into a chair pose here. so sink your hips all the way up into a nicechair pose. breathing easy, keeping your belly nice and strong. and we'll press your palmstogether, lift up a bit, twist around here. elbow comes right outside your knee, firmlypush away to spin everything all the way open. and then gently come all the way back to yourmiddle. same thing other side here. so twisting around all the way up and over here, easy,easy deep breaths. and we'll come all the
way back through your middle. and then asyou exhale, just bring your fingertips all the way down to the ground, folding inwardfor a moment. next inhale, lengthen up to a nice long, flat back. and then as you exhale,plant your palms, we'll step right back to your plank pose here. top of your push up,just holding on for a few breaths. and from here, gently ease your knees down to the ground.we'll sink into a nice upward dog here. so swaying a little bit side to side, openingup the chest and the front of your body. breathe a whole lot. and then when you're ready, gentlyease your knees down to the ground, shift your hips up and back to sit on your heels.take an easy breath in your child's pose. and when you're ready, coming back onto yourhands and knees, re-spreading your fingers,
tuck the toes and lift your hips right upand back to your nice downward dog here. relax your heels, relax the shoulders. so we'lltake a big inhale, reach your right leg all the way up and back behind you, downward dogsplit here. open up the hips and shoulders. and then we'll take your knee right up intoyour forehead. round your back here. see if you can actually touch your knee to your forehead.and then send it all the way right back behind you. twice more just like that here. liftyour knee, round your back here, knee right up into your forehead. and, again, send itall the way right back behind you. last one just like this here. knee right up into yourforehead, and then softly bring your foot between your hands, low lunge. from here,push down, big inhale brings you all the way
up to a nice high lunge. and then as you exhale,spin around to your right side here. let your arms open nice and wide, big twist. big inhalefills you all the way back up. twice more just like that here. big exhale, easy spin.and the inhale takes you all the way back up to the top. last one just like that here.big exhale, easy spin, and the inhale fills you all the way up. and then right over toyour nice warrior 2 here. so let your back heel find the ground. arms softly openingright out to your sides. and simply hanging here for a few breaths. so gently reachingout through your fingertips, hips sinking nice and low, easy gaze over the fingertipshere. and take a big inhale, lift everything all the way up. and then as you exhale, sinkright back down and then all the back here
to reverse warrior. keep it going here, stretchall the way back here a bit. and then both legs stay straight, wave your torso up andover to your triangle here. maybe the hands on your shin or the fingertips on the ground.open up the whole front of your body. easy breath. from here, reach your top arm allthe way forward toward the front of you, and then we'll bring your bottom arm all the wayup to meet it. and we'll come all the way through a nice flat back here. and then twistto the other side. one more thing here, twist it all the way forward to a nice flat back,and then we'll fold all the way up and over your leg here. and then sink your hips backinto a nice low lunge. plant your palms, we'll step right back into your nice downward dog.soften the heels, relax your head and neck
and shoulders. from here, ease your kneesdown to the ground. we're just gonna come into a four arm plank pose here. so righton the forearms, tuck the toes, and come right back into to your nice forearm plank. so simplyhanging here for a few breaths. top of your head floating forward, heels lengthening backbehind you. and then from here, start to walk your feet all the way up to a nice downwarddog on your forearms, getting your hips over your shoulders. and then walking your feetall the way right back. and, again, just hanging on for a few breaths. one more time just likethat here. walk the feet all the way up, lift your hips, lift your belly right up. and,again, walk the feet all the way right back out. breathing easy. one more time just likethat here, walk your feet all the way back
up. this time, press your palms firmly intothe ground and then straighten your arms right into your nice downward dog here. so we'lldo same thing on the other side. so big inhale, take your left leg way up and back behindyou. open up the hips and shoulders. maybe bend your knee, reach the toes. and then we'lltake your knee right up into your forehead, super high, round your upper back. and thensend the leg all the way right back behind you, downward dog split. twice more just likethat here. lift your knee, round your back, nice and high. and, again, send it all theway back behind you. last one, just like that here. lift your knee, round your back superhigh, softly bring your foot between your hands, low lunge here. press into your feethere, big inhale lifts you right up into a
nice high lunge. and then as you exhale, we'llspin around to your left so that your arms open wide, easy twist. big inhale lifts youall the way back up to the top. twice more just like that here. big exhale, easy spin.and the inhale lifts you all the way right back up. last one just like that here. bigexhale, easy twist. and inhale takes you all the way right up here right over here to yourwarrior 2. so, again, letting your back heel find the ground. arms softly opening rightout to your sides. and simply hanging here for a few breaths. so take a big inhale, lifteverything all the way up. and then as you exhale, sink right back down and we'll tipit back, reverse warrior. from here, reach it all the way up and back. keep it going.and then we'll slide all the way up and over
to your triangle here. both sides of yourwaist nice and long. maybe bring the fingertips down if there's space here. and, again, we'llreach your top arm all the way up and over toward the front of you. keeping that liftand keeping your sides lifted, reach the bottom arm up to meet it. and then we'll bring yourselfall the way back to your flat back. and then go ahead and twist it all the way over tothe side. and then last one, all the way right back forward. and then gently bring your fingertipsall the way down. relax over this front leg. and we'll sink your hips, press your palms,step right back into your plank pose here. top of your push up. again, simply hanginghere for a few easy breaths. maybe sway a little side to side or forward and back. sowe'll come over to side plank on your right
hand here. lifting up the hips a bit, keepingthe fingers spread super wide, open up your whole body. and then this time, to open upthe front of your belly, reach the toes back behind you. lengthen and open your whole bodyhere. breathe a lot. and when you're ready, rounding back to your middle, same thing otherside here. lift up in your hips and belly onto this left hand here and then keep itgoing. reach the right toes back behind you. spin your whole body right upward. and whenyou're ready, come all the way right back to your middle. so we'll lower all the waydown to the ground until your lying on your bellies here. and we'll just open up the frontof you body here. come onto the forearms into a nice sphinx pose. lengthen your chest forwardthrough your arms. lengthen the top of your
head forward, back of the neck super long,tippy toes reaching back behind you. and then when you're ready, coming all the way backdown. now press your palms on the ground, shift your hips up and back to sit on yourheels. take a big breath in your child's pose. relax your forehead. and when you're ready,come all the way back up. and we're just going to come to sit on your hips for some niceab boat poses here. so just come all the way up here. lift your shins, maybe straightenthe legs if that feels like there's space here. maybe hold on. and just breathe a lothere. back of your body here nice and long, especially that lower back. and we're justgonna hold here for a few breaths. nowhere to go, nothing to do but breathe. so we'lllower and lift here 10 times. lower halfway
down. and right from your belly, all the wayup for 1. 9 more of these here. stay as relaxed as you can. and all the way back up for 2.just like you're swimming through a pool here. all the way down. and up for 3. and againhere, all the way down. and up for 4. if this is really too tough for you, you can alwayshave the hands behind you. down and 5. that takes the pressure to the back here. downand 6. whichever way works for you. make sure you can breathe easy. down. always wanna beable to breathe -- 7. and down and 8. couple more. and down and 9. last one here, down.once you're up for you 10th one, grab ahold of your shins here. draw your shoulders downto your back, maybe lengthen out your legs. breathe a lot. and when you're ready, we'lllower halfway down again. this time, up to
you, fingertips either forward or back behindyou, nice big stretch here. and then hug your knees into your chest, give yourself a goodsqueeze, relax your back on the ground. and we'll just bring your bottoms of your feeton the ground here right next to your hips. we'll open up the whole front of you bodyhere and open up the spine too. lift up in you're hips here, lift up in your belly, breathea lot. if it feels good to roll your shoulders underneath you to open up a little bit more,go for that. and just breathe super fully and easy. and once you feel pretty good there,roll down one easy vertebrae at a time. gently hug your knees in, give yourself a nice squeeze.roll around on the spine a bit. and then when you feel good, rock yourself gently all theway right back up. and great job. so there
you have it: a great routine that you cando to slim your waist. i'm tara stiles and i'll see you next time on the yoga solution.
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