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couch to 5k weight loss
i'm going to introduce you to a realrunning secret hey runners! especially new runners. this is secrets of running and and i'm gregory sherrow. today's topic is arunning plan for absolute beginners someone recently asked me for runningplan that would take them to any distance. most running plans are set to take you to a specific distance and the miles that build up to that are set:
couch to 5k weight loss, such as "couch to 5k" or "couch to marathon" or "couch to fridge". this one is flexible. and now for the "duh" statement of the day. if you haven't been athletic until now, you needto start slow and build up. it's not just your endurance that we're building up here, it's also your ligaments and your joints.
you may need to ask your doctor if youhave been athletic maybe you've been doing some basketball or something likethat you might have a leg up. if you've been playing golf, forget it. it's a pastime, not a sport. put your arguments down below in the comments. while we're on the topic ofligaments and bones and joints you may have heard that running is bad for yourknees. forget it. it's all wrong. i've put a couple of links in the description down below thatwill take you two recent studies that show exactly the opposite. it's good foryour knees as long as you don't overdo it. that's where this plan comes in. we'regoing to start with a distance that you can easily complete at an easy running pace. this might be a half a mile,
this might be kilometer, one mile, a kilometer and a half. whatever. you should be able to run it without being breathless and the paceshould be something that you could run while keeping a conversation with theperson next to you. now if you don't have anybody to run with, go ahead and talk toyourself to test that out. people may give you funny looks but they won't be anyfunnier than the looks you get just for being a runner! bada-bing! for the example i'm going to give you, we are going to start with one mile. now, you will want to do this three times a week, for three weeks. now try to divide up the days. make it like monday wednesday, friday, tuesday,thursday, saturday, something along those
lines. my example shows monday, wednesdayand friday it's kind of the common thing. so, after three weeks, assuming thatyou're feeling pretty good, you are going to slowly increase your distance. now i'mgoing to introduce you to a real runnning secret: the long run. what we are going to do is, you are going to keep your three days you alreadyhave and you going to keep them the same but you're going to run a fourth day. isuggest if your gonna run monday, wednesday, friday stick it in on the saturday.you can also stick it in on sunday its fine. so stick it in on saturday for the sake ofargument there are other reasons for that. but, for that distance we're not gonna run theone mile that you ran before you're gonna run one and a half miles. so you are going to do monday, wednesday, friday and then
saturday at one and a half miles. now, keepthis up for two weeks. after that assuming you're feeling pretty goodstill about your long run, we're going to start increasing overall distance again. sothis time we're going to go back to your first day of the week for your gonnacall short days now. and we are going to increase that to one and a half miles. noticethat's the same as your long run, right? then, the week after that let's increase thenext day. so monday would have been 1.5 miles from the first week and next weekis going to be 1.5 miles and then the next week after that, the third week, is going tobe another 1.5 miles. at this point you noticed all your days are the same. youcould keep this up now, if you wanted to, but let's assume
you want to go further. now where? well there are a couple of waysyou can do this. there are actually several ways and i'm going to recommendtwo. the first method is to keep with thelong run days. we're going to increase that day very slowly over a period of weeks untilit's exactly double your short days so on your first weekend that you go out torun if you were running one and a half miles before go run two miles then thenext weekend go run two and a half eventually you'll end up at 3 whether ornot you jumped by half mile increments or three-quarter mile increments, whatever fits your body. once you
reach the point where your long run dayit's exactly twice, or nearly twice your short run days it's time tostart increasing your short run days again. going to go back to the monday, we'regoing to increase that by, say, a half mile. so, go through monday wednesday fridayincreasing each one of those do that until the miles match your long run day. the second method is to get rid of the long run day, going to go back to yourfirst running day, e.g. monday, and we're going to increase that by some factormaybe half a mile maybe it goes up to two and a half miles now and one and a half. it really depends on how you're feeling and what your body is telling you. you increasethat day one week, the next week
you increase the next day and the nextday and the next day and you keep building up until you reach a pointwhere the miles match your goals just like in the first example. what's thedifference between these two methods? well, nothing really as far as miles gobecause they are really the same. it comes down to what fits your lifestyle. if youwork nine to five monday thru friday... no one really works from nine to five anymore, so let's say youweren't 8 to 6 monday through friday then you may find that you have more time onthe weekends in order to get out there and do some miles, so you want to keepyour week days as short as possible. the first method fits that perfectly. or you maybe a parent and your weekends are not
your own. in that case splitting up yourmiles over all these days actually keeps your time commitment down on each day. inthis video i've used really short distances as examples but this isapplicable to just about any distance ask your child to do the math. i've alsoinserted plenty of breaks. it's possible to run five days a week straight - or more.you can run six days and take a day off but the point is: take a day off everyonce in a while. your body needs to recuperate. also be careful that youdon't radically increase your mileage too quickly. running one mile five days aweek should not be increased to running two miles five days a week. at some pointthat's going to come back to bite you.
i am going to cover that in a future video. once you know what your body can handle, you can mess with the math and do some crazy fun distancesthat go well beyond this simple ramp method. you'll find that you are only limited by your dreams. i'm gregory sherrow. pleasesubscribe to this channel. ymmv and remember: keep moving forward.
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