causes of rapid weight loss

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causes of rapid weight loss

hello everyone, diana here. in this segment we're going to cover the fact that diets actually cause weight gain and obesity. i have an article on my website and it's called like "diets actually cause weight

causes of rapid weight loss

causes of rapid weight loss, gain and obesity" i'm probably not going to point out specific studies throughout this. by the way, i've got my

notes like always because you know, like always i'll go off on tangents really bad and this will be two or three hours long and who's got that kind of time? so i'm going to be looking at my notes because that's what i do. so while i'm going over this information, this is all backed by scientific studies and research. much as these you can find at

pubmed. i will always encourage you to go find the studies yourself, read them yourself. and the reason i do that is because there are a lot of diets and weight loss programs that will tell you, you know according to this scientific study, according to their research. but what they do, when i go to look up these particular scientific studies and

researches that they're talking about and experiments, i'll go pull it up and what i discover is that these weight loss programs and these diets, theyre only extracting very specific information out of these studies and so the're presenting it to you that, you know, what these studies came up with was x y & z but

they forget to give you the a b & c, and that's significant because it changes the whole thing. and that's what i found. so that's why i won't just tell you, you know, this study said this and that research said that, and you know, the neuroscientist said this, whatever. i'll tell you to go get the studies yourself because you want to make sure

you're getting all the information. because what these diets and weight loss programs leave out is significant, it changes the whole thing, but you don't know that, you know, because they're not gonna tell you that, they're trying to sell you a product and they're not going to be able to sell that product to you if they give you the

whole truth. so they only give part of the truth, they leave out part of the truth, which changes the whole picture. so i am always going to encourage you to go find these studies yourself. the research studies in this particular segment these were studies done in 2006, there were studies done 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2016 and when i say these studies were done at these times, this is

when they were completed and published. the scientific studies that backup this information i'm about to give you, these are studies that were done over a long period of time, and that is significant too. so you know, like there are some diets that will tell you, oh this study says that this kind of a diet work best, works better, you know, like you know the

low-carb diet works better than a low-fat diet. but they don't tell you, over a short period of time, you know, the studies were only done over a short period of time. but with the long run effect? with long-term, how does that look? and they don't give you that information. why? because you won't by the whole

low-carb diet garbage. it works in the beginning, but most diets do in the beginning, for most people, none of them ever worked for me. not for an ounce. so these studies done in 2006, 2008,2012, 2014, 2016 and these studies were done over the span of between 4-10 years so they're long-term studies. so we've got some really good scientific backing. most of

you find pubmed, there's one at we will find out one at pubmed actually,, that's another one, but most of them like a say they're done at, i get them from pubmed. i trust pubmed. and i always look to see who backed the science and the studies too

because that's important also because, you know, if a corporation sponsored the study than the corporation owns it and they can reword it any way they want. so they don't even have to give you the actual studies, the actual findings. so i'm really very particular as you what studies and research and information that i incorporate in that i

will center around and give to you or anybody i am a true seeker i want the truth whether i like it or not you know don't sugarcoat anything for me i just want the truth give me the truth and so of so here it is going to go over this you my note good just been a really long candid so saving myself all sides so i'm going to

be looking and i just tend to look a lot over at the stream maybe it's just habit of mine because i'm always working on the screen i'm always pulling up research and studies and doing you know research and stuff myself because that's actually i do like this always have to make sure that i have all the right stuff

the very best thing very best of the best ways ok oh and i also i'm going to be doing another segment on why diets fail, i have a list of reasons why diets and weight loss programs fail you and so that'll be interesting make sure you know come back and check out that one

subscribe right there click subscribe and keep coming back and keep learning more and more the more knowledge you game the more information you get the more power you are going to have and the easier it's going to be to transform your body and transform your life in most magnificent way i'm excited .the biggest loser, does

everybody remember that? the biggest loser and i was like a great show right everybody was all on bars actually have this biggest loser diet right and so many americans sometime board they did because of the number is this 4 just crazy so the biggest loser boasted an average weight loss of about a hundred and

twenty nine pounds that's big right that's really really big and this had people like just flocking to this diet in droves like no other diet in history have never heard of that paint such results these are big big numbers so it you're obese and you hear about how something caused of an average weight

loss of a hundred and twenty nine pounds you're going to be on that right of course but don't go jump on that yet it all sounds so good but what ended up happening up look will always long-term effects those biggest losers had gained back an average of seventy percent of their weight in a relatively short span of time so that's losing a hundred and

twenty nine pounds and then regaining more than 90 pounds back so now we can't both 229 pounds average weight loss can we? no. now let's now we converse about 40 they're gaining back this other 90 pounds while they are depriving themselves they're not letting themselves eat food that they love because they're on this strict biggest

loser diet. the fact is by now most of those participants have gained back all of their way and many of them gain back and then some they're bigger now than they started out before they got out of the biggest loser and that's sad that's so sad because they worked so hard for so long and in there so stoked about the results they

got only to turn around and get bit in the ass i mean that i mean that's what that is because they didn't fail very what happened but why you i wasn't surprised at all with the whole weight you know gaining the weight back so it's we refer to that as weight gain rebound and i wasn't

surprised about this weight gain rebound now studies after studying those who participated in that diet the study that was completed in 2016 revealed that those participants were burning about 500 fewer calories a day than their counterparts that huge right that's gaining a pound a week according to the whole calories in calories out garbage

but that's really really big why are they burning 500 less calories a day and the thing that is some six years later they were still burning 500 fewer calories a day and their counterparts six years later they were still dealing with the side effects of this diet ok so we could probably call that permanent right side effects and they've

looked at each check in along the way to study they were burning 500 fewer calories so that's almost immediately their their metabolism dropped it decreased and it stayed that way for years years this is why it is that when we do a diet will end up gaining back all that weight and we end up coming back more and hold

onto that long-term ok the metabolic rate seem to have permanently decreased by an average of five hundred calories a day so the question is, is this phenomena of decreased metabolic rate restricted to just the biggest loser diet i know well this study was completed in 2016 there was another study done prior to

this. it was completed in 2008 that showed the same results those who diet burn to significantly fewer calories each day than those who don't. go on weight loss diet and suddenly you're not burning as many calories you just knocked down your metabolic rate and so the studies show that dieting actually does more harm than good

not to mention that the weight loss from dieting is only temporary so i just want to ask you what good is a diet or a weight loss program if the results are only temporary and you're going to end up back in the same position or worse end up in a worse position end up weighing more than you weighed before you started this

what good is that like do you want to have to work for that beach body every single year i wouldn't want to do that that's just nuts it's this this is crazy cyclic way of living and for 20 years i didn't have to get ready for the beach i was fine so it is estimated that within 5-6 years approximately

41% of dieters will not only rebound but will gain more weight than they lost scientific like the study done with the biggest loser and other dieters there have been a number of other long-term studies that indicate that those who diet are at a much higher risk listen to this of becoming obese than those who don't

over the next 1-15 years. if you do a weight loss diet you're at a higher risk of becoming obese over the next 1-15 years than anybody who doesn't diet think about this you know you want to take care of this health we don't want to make the situation worse right so... weight loss diets, look at the studies and studies don't just tell

you what don't work studies will tell you what does work too that's how i put my program together that's how i designed my program is he combining studies is to show the things that don't work together with the studies that show what does work for the dieters you're at a higher risk of becoming obese over

the next 1-15 years and that's what happened to me because when i first became overweight what did i do i went on a diet i do i do the weight loss diet and i mean that way more than i started you know and i just and i was just with every diet, every diet did i became higher and higher risk for obesity and i

certainly didn't think that could happen to meet my family is not obese i mean we're the fat family and how do i do come from the family since then but they weren't obese and i didn't think that would happen to me no in fact i was different from everybody else when i was a little kid i was a skinny little thing. so yeah i was

mortified when when i was told that i was obese now i just want to say i want to put this out here right to cut off any idea that this dieting effect has anything at all to do with the genetic disposition a 2012 study of twins to that come from the same genes in 2012 in this study researchers reported and i'm going to

quote so i'm going to be reading the whole thing, i'm going to quote "our results suggest that frequent dieting reflects susceptibility to weight gain, rendering dieters prone to future weight gain." they further state that dieting itself induces subsequent weight gain which has nothing to do with genetic factors there was a group of twins so i forget how many people total

when the study of the took the twins and what they did is they would have one identical twin there are identical twins they would have one of the identical twins do a diet, a weight loss diet and the other one not diet at all and this is what they found the twin that dieted ended up bigger than the twin that did not

the twin that dieted in most cases ended up significantly bigger so i so it's got nothing to do with genes it's not genetic there's another study done in 2006 on athletes listen to this athletes that diet to qualify for their weight class found, the study found that even athletes that diet are more

likely to become obese later on in life than those athletes who don't diet the study showed that athletes that go on and off diets are three times three times more likely to become obese than their non dieting athlete counterparts and they're also twice as likely to become obese than non-athletes these are athletes and the conclusion of

the study repeated cycles of weight loss and regain appear to enhance subsequent weight gain and may predisposed to obesity in other words diets cause obesity, chronic dieting with weight cycling may be harmful for permanent weight control so if you've been on diet after diet, you go on a diet, you lose some weight and gain it

back then you do another diet and you lose some weight and gain it back and you keep ending up bigger and bigger and bigger this is the reason why i have long held that thinking and beliefs are directly related to one's way are you still here we talk about that all the time you're thinking is it's got a big deal to do with it's big and no i don't think a

standalone be all but it's certainly absolutely pleasure role and one study kind of like shows us so there's a study done by ebody the eboddy project you can find this online the ebody project in 2014 shows that changing a person's way of thinking and their personal defeating the self-defeating beliefs alone can lead to large weight gain prevention

that's their words and got that quote as compared to their counterparts no intervention at all so they're there isn't there is at least one study done this show that the way you think about your body and weight will absolutely impact how much you end up weighing today tomorrow next year so i don't just pull things out on my behind here like i

like i as i was struggling and going through and learning things myself 20 years ago you know i of course i was coming up with hypotheses and i'm paying attention all these things going on around me at the time to you like one of the things i was paying attention to was other people who were doing diets and uh you

know because like i said like i i believed that the diets and the pills and the things that i did back then worked for people but it just didn't work for me well i believe it work for people because you know these things had testimonies to them well one of my segments i'm going to go

into tell you about where these testimonies come from so let me just just put it out there right now i don't believe any customized from any product any diet anything unless it is somebody that you know don't believe them because the bottom paid for sorry i'm going through a segment about

that at some point i believe that one of the reasons for the weight gain prevention in the participants the participants stopped dieting and stopped thinking about diets they stopped thinking about thin bodies they stop thinking about weights and when they started to think on what they started to focus on was healthy bodies and healthy mind

instead and that was that was the prevention that they did at the ebody project this is done for young girls so happy there's a senator the prevention out there if i'm sorry but there's somebody that's teaching these young girls don't think about weight it's just going to cause the problem so so there is that you know the science that shows

that it actually slows down your metabolic rate it slows down your metabolism it slows down your body's ability to burn fat i i will say that probably a good 90% of the extra obesity in this country today is about 90% of it i'll blame that on diets on weight loss diets and i can do that

and feel comfortable about that because the studies that have been done and has been a number of studies dozens and dozens of studies done and not just in the united states that have been all over the world because news flash obesity is not an epidemic in the us alone it's an epidemic worldwide the world

health organization is starting to step in because it's a worldwide epidemic at this point even third world countries really really poor countries are having a problem with obesity but you know diets are being pushed, cutback on the food that you eat and it's just it's just craziness up to me and makes no sense when what we do know is that our bodies

are starving they're they're starving for nutrition we don't have enough nutrition going into our bodies and so to turn around and tell you the way to take care of your problem is to further starve your body that's nuts like that's ass backwards and you don't have to be an einstein to figure that

one out so i'm just going to end it you know i'm going to end this here again go to pubmed and look up with a research studies that have been done diet and what that shows research studies on weight loss diets and where you're going to come up with in the end you're going be like, oh my gosh i am never doing

another weight loss diet again and i hope you don't don't ever i mean i've done some weight gain over the years you know gained 10 pounds over stress and then you know i take a look at okay what's going on what's happening and i figure that out and then i make the adjustments that i need to make is usually just one or two in there simple and i make that

adjustment the weight comes right back down again and i'm right back where i was again and so i'm going to even more than 15 pounds over you know and and that was just one time it was the whole hormonal thing they're getting older and older more thing and you know it took me a couple of minutes to admit that you know i was over 40 huh

that's hormonal changes that you know middle-aged women go through i just didn't want to admit that was middle-aged i think it's my mind i just feel like my mind is so young i just in my body always feels good so i just don't realize i'm getting older i have to keep telling myself you're almost 50 diana, you're almost 50

well i figured i do very amazing for my age i i go up mountains i love to get to the mountain summit i walk around manhattan got for her 15 hours and i'm good you know i'm good i do all kinds of things scurrying of rocks and melons and things like that i have a lot of fun at my age so i have to keep reminding myself how old is this time you're not something

that you are now too we are gonna wrap this up here when we come to understand quantum physics which is you know something that i have a little interest in when we can come to think quantum physics even have an amateur particularly quantum entanglement who look that up then we can begin to understand the dynamics of

weight gain weight loss and weight gain rebound as well as many other things related to our mind our body and our health and it just it just all makes sense there's just so much quantum physics is learning and discovering and has been learning and discovering for probably close to a hundred years it's really

really mind-blowing it has everything to do with our bodies and how things work it's really of interesting so i and ties into your mind you're thinking the way that you think no it's not the end-all the be-all but it is significant very significant like the 2014 study that the body project did this shows that so so if you don't want

to get any bigger don't diet don't go on a weight loss diet and when you're coming across like new diets or weight loss plan or stuff that you've never seen before and you want to you figure out if it's going to work because i mean sooner or later i'm thinking somebody's gotta come up with something that actually works and maybe they have

like i said i have been looked into every single weight-loss program and diet program out there that yeah if there's always there's a new one coming out every day another one coming out every day when you do come across something new especially if it says said it's got science behind it you're going to want to know who did

this study where was the study done when was a study done how long did it last and where can you find that publication so that you could read it yourself because remember i said earlier that a lot of these programs are really very good at pulling out just itty-bitty pieces of information from these studies and feeding you that and

keeping the other information away from you and that the information that they keep from you is pretty significant such as you know this diet works better than that diet well there was only over six months what is this diet fair over six years how does that diet fair over 10 years does a person ever gain weight back

again and so that's what i'd be interested in i don't care about short-term studies for one type will help you lose weight faster than the other doesn't matter how fast you lose weight i mean i would think that what matters is when it comes off it stays off right i mean why would you work to lose 10

pounds or a hundred pounds on some program that you're only going to get it back you know within five years or less but who would want to do that that's like that's a waste of all of your time your effort depriving yourself for years is it worth it? and then in the end you're probably going to end up weighing more than you did

before you started that diet. i don't think it's worth it and it hurts your body it physically injuries your body which is you know something that i'm going to go into a little bit and my next segment that's what i'm going to do next is ten reasons why diets fail you so make sure you subscribe because when

that gets uploaded you're going to want to see it. thanks

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