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calories for weight loss
hey, i'm kristin shaffer, national-level bikinicompetitor, mom, and businesswoman. get ready to find out how bikini models get their amazingbodies. you get it all right here, right now. let's consider a hypothetical: you have a32-year-old woman. she works full-time outside of the home. she has two kids that keep hersuper busy. she has a husband and a household to keep up. this woman's got a lot going on.and with all of that going on she also finds
calories for weight loss, time to go to the gym and work out. she weighs150 pounds and she wants to lose weight. she wants to get into great, amazing shape. so,with those things considered, she probably has a maintenance calorie level of about 2,200calories or so. and the maintenance level is where we don't gain or lose weight. sheprobably has a bmr, a basal metabolic rate,
of about maybe 1,400/1,500 calories... somewherearound there. with her desire to want to lose weight, she's going to cut her calories by500 calories a day, which will get her a net weight loss of about a pound a week, assumingshe continues to exercise. and this individual has done a whole lot of research, and whilethere's a ton of conflicting information out there, she's read an awful lot that says,"you know, you really only have to cut calories and maybe exercise a little more and you'lllose weight." so that's what she's planning on doing. she's going to cut her caloriesby 500 calories a day, and over a period of a week, supposedly, theoretically, she shouldlose about a pound a week and get into great shape, right? now, what she could do: she'scutting by 500 calories a day. well, that
puts her at about 1,700 calories or so thatshe has to consume in any day. so what she could do is she could consume it all in snickersbars, right? that would be six snickers bars a day. you know, but she's not completelynaive and she knows that snickers bars is not exactly great nutrition. so she's goingto try to have a somewhat balanced nutritional plan and just cut her calories altogether.so she starts off her day like most of us do, with a bagel and a little bit of creamcheese. then at lunchtime she goes to subway because that's what we do, right, when we'retrying to lose weight. we go to what we think are healthy choices. she orders a six-inchham sub, gets a small bag of lay's classic potato chips and she gets a medium drink.in this case, we'll say a coke. and now for
dinner, she's really super rushed, right,because she's got a really busy life. so she runs through the mcdonald's drive-thru, andnow, because she's getting close to her caloric level for the day, she just orders a hamburgerand a small french fry, and she skips the sugary soda drink and she get a diet cokeinstead. now, if we look at her total calories for the day we're talking about 1,850 or so,based on all those food items, which, while it's above what she was planning on consumingfor the day, it is at least below her maintenance calories. so, theoretically, she should belosing weight over time with that diet considered. the question we have to ask ourselves: willthis work? consuming those kinds of foods, will this individual actually lose weight?you know, when we break down what she's actually
taking in in food products throughout theday and we look at the components, it comes down to about 70 percent, 70 percent, of hercalories are coming from carbohydrates. and these are not just any carbohydrates. theseare carbohydrates that absorb very quickly into the body. we're talking about sugarsand flours. and this is where you need to ask yourself: what is the problem with this?i mean, so what if 70 percent of your calories are coming from very quickly absorbing carbohydrates?what's the issue with that? well, the issue is this: first and foremost, these types ofcalories, these types of foods are going to spike your insulin levels. that's becausethese foods that are absorbed so quickly, when they're brought into the body, they'reconverted into insulin. your body creates
insulin and spikes your insulin levels andit just creates a whole bunch of negative side effects, like blocking a hormone thatregulates your hunger. that spike in insulin levels actually tells your brain that youhaven't had enough to eat and you're going to be very hungry afterwards. and i know youknow what i'm talking about here because i'm sure you've experienced, if you eat a snickersbar, you eat something that's very sugary or has a lot of flour to it, or sugar andflour... great combination... and very quickly afterwards, if not like minutes afterwards,you're still hungry and you want to consume more. that's that hormone called leptin thatthe spike in the insulin levels is blocking. so you're actually getting a message to yourbrain that says, "i need more food." so that's
problem number one. the second problem withthis is, with that spike in insulin and with that very quick processing of those foods,it doesn't take long for the body to break them down, well, your body's actually goingto store that food in fat because i'm assuming you're not running a marathon at the timethat you're consuming these products. and since the body processes it so fast, it hasnowhere to put it, so it's going to start storing it in fat so that you can use it later.and the third problem, and i know all this is probably obvious, where is the nutritionalcontent of this food and how is that really going to help your body function? there'ssimply very little nutritional content in these foods. and over the long run, that'sjust going to wreak havoc on your health.
okay, i think most of us know that. now, weget back to the question of: will you lose weight on this diet? if this individual staysat around 1,700 calories a day and doesn't go over that 2,200 maintenance level, is shegoing to lose weight? well, the answer is: yes, she will. but, realistically, it's notsustainable, and the results that she's going to get is probably not what she's lookingfor. much of the weight that she might lose is going to be in the form of muscle massover time. one, because she's not getting that nutrition that she needs in order tohave a healthy body to sustain muscle mass or grow muscle mass. also, because her bodyis going to store some of that in fat and she's losing muscle at the same time, well,her metabolism is going to slow down because
she's not going to be burning as many calories,you know, when we start replacing muscle with fat. we burn less calories just existing,so in order for her to continue to lose weight, she's going to have to reduce her daily caloriclevel over time. so instead of taking in 1,700 calories, well, now she's got to take in maybe1,600 calories. and then, as this cycle continues, she's going to have to reduce it even more.so there's a very destructive cycle over time when you take this approach. and that's noteven to mention, of course, all the negative side effects to our health. and we've allheard of type 2 diabetes and what an epidemic that is and what an epidemic that's goingto be if we don't change our eating habits. type 2 diabetes is largely a result of thesetypes of foods. will she lose weight? yes,
she will. will it be temporary? absolutely.and, likely, she's going to wind up a lot worse off over time than she was when shefirst started out. and i see this challenge all the time. what she's likely going to windup with is a smaller version of herself, but it's going to be filled with maybe cellulitebecause of all the fat that she's storing now, and certainly not strong. and she's notgoing to have energy. she's going to feel like crap. and then, of course, all of thenegative health benefits that come later with eating these types of foods. therefore, ifjust reducing calories and not changing the types of foods that we're eating doesn't work,then what does work? well, first, you've got to fuel your day with the carbohydrates thatsupport your goals. we're talking about vegetables,
and tons of vegetables, but it's got to bethe right vegetables. we're not talking about potatoes. remember, french fries are madeout of potatoes, right? white potatoes actually spike your insulin levels, and a lot of peopledon't know that. it's almost as bad as eating a snickers bar. if you choose vegetables thatare very high in fiber, you can eat a ton of them and they will support your goals.then you add lean proteins to that mix and a significant amount of them. chicken breast,ground turkey, and fish are some great option. top it off with some healthy fat sources likenuts. almonds are one of my favorites. you can eat a ton of food that will support musclegrowth and fat loss. you will have less hunger because your insulin levels will be maintainedthroughout the day rather than going through
this spike and low, and over time the healthbenefits are just not to be disputed. so stay away from the processed foods, the white stuff,as i call them. stay away from the white stuff. fill up your day with all sorts of vegetablesand lean proteins and healthy fats. stick with moderate forms of exercise, and of coursei'm a huge proponent of weight training. and watch those fat pounds melt off of you asyou build muscle, get all sorts of energy, and improve your health over time. so thatwraps up today's episode. i hope you got some value out of this and enjoyed it. if you did,leave a comment. if you have any questions, leave a comment below. i want to hear fromyou guys. and, remember, i'm still offering that 6 weeks to sexy, fit, and fab plan. goahead and head to fab-university.com or figureandbikini.org
and sign up for the email updates to receivethat. i'm kristin shaffer, founder of fab-university.com, figureandbikini.org, and i can't wait to seeyou next time. (makes dancing noises) we all know that, youknow, eating a lot of these foods just doesn't have a lot of nutritional... ah. there issimply very little nutrition. there is simply very little nutrition in these foods thatactually fuels your body, your brain. there's simply very... there's simply very littlenutrition that's involved in these foods. agh. there's simply very little nutritionalcontent... content.
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