best juice cleanse for weight loss

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best juice cleanse for weight loss

alright, this is john kohler with ‘’today we have another exciting episode for you and in this episode what we’re goingto be sharing with you guys, is my number one recipe for losing weight. i, myself many years ago was overweight andi wasn’t in the best of health so i had to figure out how to turn my health aroundand one of the main ways that i did that was

best juice cleanse for weight loss

best juice cleanse for weight loss, through juicing. so, now a days i’m a lifelong juicer, i’vebeen juicing now for over 20 years and this recipe that i’m going to share with youguys is my latest creation that’s going to help of you guys that are looking to loseweight.

i have another video that i’ll post thelink to down below, it’s entitled ‘the best drink ever discovered to lose weight’and that’s where i introduce the concepts of juicing and just talk about juicing andtheir overall benefits and how it can help you lose weight and the main points are: juicingallows you to concentrate the volume of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables that you get intoyou. unfortunately most americans don’t eat enoughfruits and vegetables, they eat to many processed foods, fast foods, and junk foods. yea, you, you know that you’re not eatingenough fruits and vegetables but it’s like, “john it’s so hard to eat fruits and vegetables,”well hey check it out, what i’ll be doing

in this segment is taking five pounds of fruitsand vegetables that i got on this cutting board that i’ll let you guys know the specificingredients and why i’m using them in a second. we’re going to take the five pounds of producethat i could sit there and eat, you don’t need to buy a juicer to eat these foods, thesefoods are available commonly at a grocery store and what not near you and sure, youdon’t need to buy a juicer you can just eat this stuff. but, eating five pounds of produce can bechallenging and take actually a lot of time, cause you want to chew it and turn each mouthfulinto mush, so i prefer to put them through

the juicer and juice them on up and simplyget about 40 ounces of juice from five pounds of produce and i could easily drink 40 ouncesof juice for breakfast for example instead of eating a normal breakfast and i’m startingmy day out right, with a myriad of phytochemicals, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. the reason why the vegetables and fruits areso good for us is because they’re generally low calorie foods compared to other foodsyou’re eating, processed foods, junk foods, even animal foods. they’re very high in calories but more pointthey’re low nutrient foods, the fruits and vegetables on the other hand are low caloriebut high nutrients, so this is the exact opposite

of how you guys have probably been eating. you know i’ve been eating actually highnutrient low calorie foods now for over 20 years now including making juices a regularpart of my diet and as much as i like juicing and people go on this juice fast and theylose weight. i don’t want you guys to go on a juice fastto lose weight, i want you to incorporate juicing as a mainstay of your life that youdo each and every day. because as much as you can go on a juice fastand use this juice every day for 30 days and you’re definitely going to lose a lot ofweight, the problem is you’re going to stop the juice fast, you’re going to go,” ilost a lot of weight,” and then you’re

going to go back to doing what you did togain the weight in the first place. which i don’t want you guys to do so i thinka more solid approach instead going on a juice fast and using all this stuff for 30 daysand juicing and losing weight, is just make this a regular habit and part of your everydaylife. everyday generally i wake up and i’ll havea juice either for breakfast or for lunch and then i’ll eat my regular lunch or breakfast,and then my dinner and i’ll eat healthy foods. so, besides just making the juicing the partof your everyday routine, i want you guys to eat healthier and i’m not really goingto get into that at any new length, but i

will say is that i know ‘dr oz’ recentlyput out -if you guys are watching this one when it first aired- ’21 day weight losschallenge’ and on this, he has an app available on different app stores, but basically he’srecommending a plant based diet he’s recommending eating fruits and vegetables, nuts and seedsand grains and all these kind of things and it’s the plant foods that have all thesebeneficial phytochemicals and phytonutrients that are going to help you lose weight, andall the highly processed foods and animal foods encourage weight gain because they areall so low in nutrition and have a lot of calories and our bodies literally can’thandle it. so, with that what i want to get into next,is actually get into why i’m using this

juicer today. this juicers known as the ‘kuvings wholeslow juicer elite model c7000’ i like this machine because it is known as a slow juicer,a slow juicer runs at a low and slow rpm, it doesn’t run at a high speed. it isn’t too loud in your kitchen like anairplane taking off in your kitchen like some inexpensive juicers you might find at a healthfood store or department store, this runs at a low rpm so it maximizes the nutritionin the juice. this is very important, i know a lot of youguys must be saying, “john man, juicing it’s a waste man cause you’re removingall the fiber,” well i want to correct you

guys that say juicing removes all the fiber. number one: juicing removes part of the fiber,there's two kinds of fiber that have been identified and actually many more than twocommon types that are talked about. there's soluble fiber and insoluble fiber,the soluble fiber is soluble in water so that comes out when you’re making the juice,what you’re losing when you’re juicing is all the insoluble fiber that does not dissolvein the water and depending on what you’re juicing, so for example like on a carrotshere: carrots are approximately 50% soluble, 50% insoluble. i think it’s more like 48-52, but closeenough and when you juice carrots you’re

still going to retain approximately half ofthe fiber that’s in with the juice because it’s a soluble type of fiber and the solubletype of fiber is actually in some cases a more important type of fiber than the insoluble,but that being said, we should get enough fiber in our diets none the less and that’swhy i recommend juicing once a day. you’re going to get some soluble fiber andthen other parts of the day of course you want to have a healthy salad, a healthy recipemade with vegetable soup and all these other things and beans and legumes and all thesethings that are a quite healthy source of fiber. but, maybe not necessarily when you’re drinkingyour juice cause let me tell you, removing

the fiber definitely helps you out; it allowsyour body to basically uptake more nutrition than keeping the fiber in. when you blend up things or even when youchew things up, you may not get optimal digestion because –especially if you’re chewing-you’re not chewing up long enough and if you’re eating the fiber with the foods,you’re eating the insoluble fiber than your body’s going to have to deal with that. but, when you drink it in a juice form andyou’ve removed all the insoluble fiber, the villi in your intestines have an easytime to basically suck up –for lack of a better word- the nutrients in the juice, soyou’re going to have a better and more immediate

access to them so that they can benefit youand your body. now another reason why i like the slow juicinginstead of the high speed juicing or even the blending, is because there is documentedscientific journal published studies that show when you juice for example, broccoliat a low speed or a high speed or even a blender and then you measure that for polyphenol content–which is basically antioxidants- there's more polyphenol content in the juice madewith the slow juicer. so if you’re saying, “john why does thatmatter, polyphenol content?” well here's the thing, they took the polyphenolcontent in the juices that are produced in the low speed, the high speed, and the blenderand then they put that in petri dish with

6 different kinds of cancer, and the juicethat had the most cancer inhibition was the juice made with the slow juicer overall. i mean in some cases the other types weremore effective on certain types of cancer but overall the slow juicer was much moreeffective, which basically shows that if you’re going to do something and take the time todo it, do it right i mean that’s what i learned in grade school. so that’s why i want to use a slow juicerto give my body every possible advantage to get healthy, absorb the phytonutrients andphytochemicals, and shed the weight, if i needed to do that.

anyways you know i got only into this becauseof health challenges, i was overweight when i was younger, i also had things like asthma,allergies, eczema, and even things like –i got actually the spinal meningitis which wascaused by complement immune deficiency which is a chronically weak immune system whichthe doctor diagnosed me with and he said he blamed it on my genes. well since that time i’ve had to actuallyturn my life around, i’ve been living on this lifestyle now for over 20 years, juicingalmost every day that i’m at home and i’ve learned the right foods to eat. so what i want to do in this episode is actuallyjust show you guys my special juice recipe

that i would use if i needed to lose weightand i basically formulated this recipe based around specific fruits and vegetables thathave been shown to be helpful with not only weight loss and in some cases also inflammation,and i have some other ingredients in there for specific reasons. so without further ado lets go ahead and getinto the specific ingredients in my recipe today. so as you guys can see i got a cutting boardhere full of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, now i have 10 ingredients on this cuttingboard that i’ll be making a juice out of today, now let me go ahead and introduce themand share with you guys why each ingredient

is so critical to include in your juice. that being said, before i get into that idid want to let you guys know that you don’t need to drink this particular juice recipeto lose weight when juicing. when i got into juicing actually, i juicednothing but carrots and just would not eat breakfast and would just drink carrot juicefor breakfast and carrot juice as a midafternoon snack and still have my normal lunch and dinner,try to eat on the healthy side and i still lost weight. you know many people might drink a mean greenjuice and all this kind of stuff and they’ll also lose weight, because there's two mainpoints why juicing works.

number one: you’re reducing the amount ofcalories you’re going to be consuming because the fruits and the vegetables, guess what. they’re mostly water, you’re going tobe consuming mostly water, it’s also going to be very hydrating –hydrating, so youcan shed the extra puffiness and bloat you may have because you may be dehydrated andretaining to much sodium, if you’re eating processed foods you’re probably eating toomuch sodium. but the other thing that’s very importantabout the fresh fruit and vegetable juices besides that low calories is because theyare a plethora of phytonutrients and phytochemicals. the phytonutrients and phytochemicals areso valuable to us and they’re not really

talked about enough in our standard news,media and society. but, there is documented research on how thesephytonutrients and phytochemicals are so valuable. so actually lets go ahead and get in to thisrecipe. the mainstay of this recipe are the purplecarrots, these are purple carrots here, if you guys have seen the purple carrots youknow depending on where you live they may be easy or they may be harder to purchase. you know if you have a local ‘whole foods’around you, you can buy purple carrots there. they’re going to cost you an arm and a legliterally at ‘whole foods’. if you have a ‘trader joes’ near you,they sell a bag of mixed carrots including

the purples, that’s how i get these. also stores like ‘sprouts farmers market’they also sell the purple carrots in a mixed bag for less money, so i try to dig throughthe different bags that have the rainbow colors and find the bags that have like 6 or 8 ofthe purple ones, cause that’s the ones that i really want to get. not to say that other colored carrots arenot valuable but the purple ones are special carrots, so –of course i recommend you guysto grow your own purple carrots and/or visit farmer’s markets to find them if you’renot able. and if you can’t get the purple carrotsdon’t worry, just substitute in the orange

carrots but for reasons that i’m going toshare with you guys now, you’ll find that the purple carrots are much more desirable. so the reason why i include the purple carrotsin this recipe specifically is because there are some documented research where scientistsbasically did some testing on mice –which i actually don’t approve of, testing onmice cause i think its mean, cruel, and unusual punishment- but what they did was, they fedmice a standard american diet including water sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, tosimulate a standard american diet. you know maybe like a diet many of you guysare eating right now that got you to the weight you’re at and you know, guess what happenedwhen the mice ate a junk food diet with high

fructose corn syrup water simulating soda. they gained weight, their artery functiondid not work as well, they had diabetes, and all these kind of things, maybe some of theissues that you guys might be having. now, i want to say that we are not mice buti believe that these foods will react in a similar way as us, of course this is not scientificallyproven at this point. but, anyways the mice got really messed up,they got over weight, they had sickness and all these things and what they did was –theyfound out, “okay, this food makes them sick, well let’s see if we can reverse that,”so the only thing they did, they kept feeding the mouse the junk food right, but in additionto the junk food, they juiced and fed them

purple carrot juice. that’s the only thing they changed in thisscientific study and after they changed and gave the mice the purple carrot juice, theystarted to lose weight, they also lessened their heart disease situation, they also improvedtheir blood sugar status or diabetes in their little bodies. and so this is amazing, i mean they didn’teven cut out the thing that caused the problem which is the junk food you know, so i wantyou guys not to continue on junk food and make this juice recipe every day. i want you guys to minimize/eliminate thejunk food, the processed food, and the animal

foods to the extent that you are able. i know some of you, “john, i love my hamburgers,”well fine have a hamburger once a week as a treat on friday, after you’ve made thisjuice the whole week, right. i’m not going to say eliminate things thatyou like, but i will say that you guys should minimize and/or just exclude them entirelyif they’re not serving you, if they’re not giving you the body that you want, ifthey’re not doing what you need to do then you need to lose it cause it’s not helpingyou out. anyways the purple carrots, the reason whythey’re so beneficial, and i got 5 purple carrots in this recipe about a pounds worthis because: they have these compounds known

as anthocyanins and this is this is the purplepigment, this is a very important pigment in the body. when we eat it, it goes to work instantlyin our blood vessels to do many things, including decreasing inflammation and fighting freeradicals, and who knows what else. so all i know is that i want to get thesepurple foods into me, and purple carrots are an excellent way to do that, as well as thingslike blueberries the outside skin of eggplants, black, you know wild rice or forbidden rice. you know, you want to eat dark colored pigmentedfoods, whether you’re juicing them or not. so, the next ingredient i’ll be adding tomy juice today are the beets, and you’re

thinking, “john the beets they’re a darkcolor right-“ cause i’m using the red beets, “do they have the same anthocyaninsthat like the carrots do?” unfortunately they don’t, they have otherplant nutrients or plant metabolites that are healthy for you including beta-lanes. beta-lanes can help protect you from radiationas well, them on themselves are very powerful antioxidants plus they contain nitrates thatcan help basically unstiffen your arteries and what not inside you, you know. sports athletes and stuff are like known topound a bunch of beet juice, before they go into competitions and then they’re goingto perform better, so yea we got a half a

beet in there. now one of the things i’ve done is i formulatedthis recipe, so that’s it’s not going to be too hardcore and taste really nastywhen you make it, you know. i tried to put realistic proportions of someof these foods so that the flavors not super objectionable for you, and this is the recipei’m using, of course feel free to tailor to your own specific needs, add more of this,take away a little of that. you don’t have to make this exact recipe,but i made this recipe for a specific reason and so i would really encourage you guys tofollow it. alright, so the other thing we’re goingto juice is this guy, this is the red or purple

cabbage and once again much like the carrotsthis is also a nice purple color, also has the anthocyanins. but, aside from the anthocyanins in the purplecabbage, cabbage is also a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, these include vegetablessuch as collard greens, kale, cauliflower, and broccoli, and arugula, boy choy. there's be scientific research that showsthese family of plants contain isothiocyanates, which are actually cancer protective and maybe helpful against cancer. you know when i talked about earlier, i talkedabout broccoli experiment they did and you know the broccoli juice had more cancer inhibitionfrom a slow juicer than from a blender or

a high speed juicer. so that’s one of the reasons why i got thecabbage in here for the anticancer properties as well as the nice purple pigments. now i want to let you guys know each one ofthese foods i see as functional food and i want to encourage you guys to eat foods thatare functional, foods that besides just filling your belly, they’re giving you somethingthat really going to allow you to better your health. i can’t say that there's all this differentphytonutrients and phytochemicals in white bread, so i would encourage you guys to reduce/eliminateor you know just get rid of it all together.

so the next ingredient that i’ll be addingto the juice today is one, nice, large cucumber. cucumbers are really hydrating for you, they’rereally rich in water and that’s one of the main reasons why i’m adding in a nice largequantity, this one happens to be like 14 ounces and because i want really to add a nice lotof neutral flavor or water to the juice. it’s also rich in many of its own vitaminsand minerals, but one of the reasons why i like the cucumbers is they contain a lot ofsoluble fiber that’ll help slow down your digestion, so you’re going to get a higheruptake of some of the nutrients that we’re creating today in this juice. so the next ingredient that i’ll be usingin the recipe today, i simply have two apples,

and these are pretty commonly available fruithere. and don’t underestimate the power of theapple, you know there's a good old saying, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’and i definitely believe it. you want to eat some apples each and everyday, i mean apples are the original fast food instead of reaching for that candy bar orthat cookie, reach for an apple man. grab an apple, grab a banana, grab an orange. but, anyways today we’re talking about theapples and the reason why i like the apples so much aside from all the different nutrientsin apples, one of the main nutrients i like that’s in apples is the quercetin.

and the quercetin as studies have shown canhelp you reduce stress and if you have a reduction in stress, than you may have a reduction inthe cortisol and some people say the cortisol causes the belly fat. so you know i picked out many of these differentfoods very carefully to have specific reasons why i’m putting them in, and as much asit may help you reduce your stress levels the apples, it also adds a nice sweetnessto the juice. now here's my tip, when you guys are pickingout the apples to juice, i always encourage you, especially when using a slow juicer,pick out a nice hard firm apple. don’t get a soft apple, if you can dentit and its soft you don’t want to juice

it, cause then the slow juicers going to makemore of an apple sauce than an apple juice, so you want to get a nice firm apple, numberone. and number two, you want to get a nice deepdark, rich colored apple. the deeper the coloring on the apple skin,the more nutrients it contains because you know the phytonutrients are the coloring,so if you get like those dark, deep, rich, almost red purple empire apples, those’llbe great. i got the red delicious ones here today. so, the next ingredient that i’ll be usingtoday, in this recipe i’ll be using today: i got 5 stalks of celery, now i’m puttingthe celery in there for a multitude of reasons.

number one, it adds a nice water to the juicerecipe, so it’s going to dilute some of the other more stronger hardcore ingredients. number two, it is rich in electrolytes, sodium,and other different minerals including trace minerals. it’s going to give you a good shot of theelectrolytes to keep your body functioning properly and it’s also very hydrating becauseits high in water content plus it has these things known as thylaids which can help loweryour blood pressure. i mean every fruit and vegetable is completelyamazing, they each have their own benefits. so, one of the things i encourage you guysto do –as much as i’m giving you guys

a recipe today- is to don’t just drink thisrecipe every day, mix it up and drink different things each and every day, different colorsof fruits and vegetables. try juicing and making your own juice creations,so you’re not drinking this recipe each and every day, you know which you could doif you guys wanted to. but, everyday what i juice is i juice somethingdifferent, i juice whatever’s ripe in my garden that i got to harvest and use, whatever’son sale you know at the grocery store that week that’s organic. i just switch it up all the time. anyway, celery, amazing thing to add to thisrecipe.

next thing, let’s talk about one of theheavy hitters here that i’ll be juicing today, and that is the turmeric. the reason why i have the turmeric in thejuice recipe today is because of its anti-inflammatory attributes, it’s probably one of the mostanti-inflammatory foods on the entire planet and i know it’s a food –unless you’remaybe of indian decent- is something that you’re actually not eating too often andyou should include it more. inflammation is implicated in many differentdisease processes in the body, so one of the things you really want to do especially ifyou’re trying to lose weight is cut the inflammation.

cause inflammation can cause many differentproblems and so a lot of these foods actually on their own aren’t anti-inflammatory, butwhen you’re combining them all you’re going to get more of a synergistic effect. you know, there's many documented researchstudies on turmeric and curcumin and other curcuminoids that are inside the turmericand how beneficial they are, not really going to get into a lot of those i will say thatturmeric is actually quite strong and potent so we’re just using a little piece today. i think it’s about 1/3rd of an ounce, sonot really that much. this is the hardest vegetable that you mayneed to find if you’re making this juice

recipe. if you go to a special asian store they mayhave it and some better health food stores may have it as well “whole foods’ or ‘sproutsfarmers market’ i know sells the turmeric but most grocery stores may not sell it. now, if you’re not able to get the turmericwhole root, which is what i would recommend, number one you could always get some powderedturmeric and add it into the juice after you’re done, i actually personally don’t recommendthat but it’d be better than not using it at all. the next thing i’ll be using, i got thesenice tomatoes here these are brown tomatoes,

so instead of just the standard red coloredtomatoes, these are nice, dark, deep rich pigmented tomatoes. these have higher anthocyanins than standardtomatoes, in addition these also contain some lycopene which is in regular tomatoes. so i added that here for once again an extrablast of the phytonutrients and the phytochemicals. so, the next ingredient i’ll be using inmy recipe today is this guy: this is the hot pepper and this is one actually i grew inmy garden, so i don’t care what variety of hot pepper you guys use, whether that’sa cayenne or a serrano or habanero, whatever you can find.

what i do care about is that you guys getone that’s nice and full rich color. you want to get one that’s like red or orangeor yellow, don’t get the ones that are green. the ones that’s are green are unripe peppers,and when the fruits unripe it’s not going to have the same level of phytonutrients asone that is ripe, because the plant has not been on the vine for a longer period of timeto create all the different flavonoids, and phytochemicals and phytonutrients becauseit is sitting on the vine longer. plus because this is red, this is more nutritiousthan just the standard green pepper, now the peppers or the hot pepper specifically havethese things known as capsaicin and this is what gives peppers the heat, and the capsaicinis said to have a thermo-genic effect in your

body which can help you guys burn the fat. now, i’m not putting a ton of hot peppersin there man because this could really make your juice off the charts, unless you’remaybe from south america or central america where you can handle the heat. just use one and for some of you guys youmight to put like half of one depending on the kind of hot pepper you guys get. so, so far so good, we’ve gone through ninedifferent ingredients and these are the main ingredients of the juice recipe here and lastingredient, the tenth ingredient may actually surprise you.

i got one avocado that i’m going to be juicing,probably scratching your head right now, “john how could you juice an avocado, nobody everjuices avocados. avocados are too soft to juice and they’rejust going to mush up on you.” well here's the thing, this avocado or theone that i’m actually juicing which is right here has actually been –i peeled it, that’snumber one, you want to get rid of this skin, there's toxins in the skin we do not wantto be eating. number two, you want keep the seed in there,so the seeds basically been quartered and we’re just going to juice the unripe avocado,seed and all in the kuvings whole slow juicer elite.

and the reason why i’m juicing the avocado,–and yes you can juice them when they’re nice hard and firm. i don’t recommend eating them this way butjuicing them that’s the only way i recommend using them. don’t get a ripe one, you want to get oneas hard as you can, which happens often if you go to stores, cause you probably usuallywant a ripe one. but just buy the nice hardest one you canand you want to peel off the skin and you’re just going to throw that into the juice- nowi’m doing that for a few reasons, okay. number one, it’s going to add healthy fats.

healthy fats and avocados contain no cholesterolbecause they don’t come from an animal so this is you know, not like the cholesterolthat can be bad that’s in things like dairy and milk and eggs and meats. no cholesterol in the avocado, but the reasonwhy i’m doing this is because it adds healthy fats into the juice. so when there's fats in your juice, it slowsdown your digestive system along with the soluble fiber, so that means you’re goingto get a greater uptake of some of the special phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the juicerecipe. you know for example: the cuminnoids is enhancedwhen taken in with some fat, so that’s why

i’m juicing some of the avocado. so the other reason why i’m going to bejuicing the avocado today, is because it’s the fruit that is highest in the phytonutrientknown as lutein. lutein is also in things like kale and whatnot, or marigolds is actually another thing that comes in mind that has a high lutein. but, lutein is a phytonutrient that’s goodfor your eyes and some studies suggest that it may be helpful against cancer as well. so, yea that’s all ten ingredients thati’ll to be juicing today, i guess without further ado, let’s go ahead and get intothe juicing.

so, now i’m going to be sharing with youguys how i’m going to be juicing all these ingredients, because it does make a differenceyou know high speed versus low speed machines. i’m totally for only juicing in low speedmachines if you’re able to, of course juicing in a high speed machine instead of not doinganything is definitely better and be sure to check the link down below for a nice highspeed machine that’s actually less –costs less than one of these slow machines. but, if you’re really into your health anddedicated to weight loss and lifelong changes i do encourage you guys to get a good highquality juicer such as the one i’m using today the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’is a juicer that i recommend for people who

want to juice fast but still maintain a highlevel of nutrition in the juice and besides just making the juices, it’ll also allowyou to get rid of that ice cream that you still may be snacking on for desert. you can now process, frozen fruits and makea frozen fruit sorbet that has a consistency similar to ice cream, in addition you canalso make low rpm smoothies unlike high rpm smoothies that you would make in a blender;the low rpm smoothie in the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’ is not going to oxidizethe nutrients as much as a high rpm blender would. so, be sure to click that link down belowi’ll put below this video, where i share

more about this specific juicer. i’m not going to get into that now causei just want to get into juicing all my stuff. so, today what i’ll be using is i’ll beusing a sieve to actually strain out some of the extra fiber in the juice, some of theinsoluble fiber that does not dissolve in the liquid. this is a completely optional step, if youdon’t mind drinking the fiber, –actually i would encourage you guys to keep it in there. you know the ‘kuvings whole slow juicerelite’ will keep some fiber in the juice, that’s a good thing or bad thing, dependingon your preferences, but overall i would encourage

you guys to drink it- i’m just removingit today to show you guys how much fiber is created with this juicer. oh, the other thing i like about this machineis that it has nice wide 3 inch feed shoot, so this the widest feed shoot on any slowjuicer that’s available on the market today, and the reason why i like this is becauseit allows you to put things like whole cucumbers right down the feed shoot without having toprecut it. in addition, i’m juicing some of that cabbagei’ll just be able to dunk the whole piece of cabbage in there without having to cutup into little small pieces like you might have to do on some juicers.

so, i mean it’s pretty much easy to juiceall this stuff so i’ll just go ahead and turn this juicer on and we’re going to startjuicing stuff. what i do recommend first is always juicingsomething soft and watery, so i’m just going to go ahead and maybe throw an apple in there,then we’ll throw in a whole tomato, no problem whatsoever, maybe we’ll start to throw ina carrot, just drop the carrot in there, and when using the ‘kuvings whole slow juicerelite’ you don’t want to use that pusher, if you’re using the pusher you may be pushingthings in too quickly into the machine. once that goes through then we can just dropanother apple in there, it’s just going to suck it in, and once you see that appledisappear, we’re going to go ahead and throw

that cabbage in there and then we’re goingto go ahead and push it in with a little bit of a carrot and we got that cabbage alreadygoing in the machine. it’s going to be a bit louder on the cabbage,that’s alright. we’re going to go ahead and follow thatwith an apple here and once it’s got that apple going through there, we’re then goingto drop in the carrot. man, i wish you guys could see the coloringthat’s coming out of the juicing screen here, you can kind of see it coming down thespout here; it’s really nice, deep, rich and purple. that’s like sexy to me man, purple juice.

alright, threw in another apple here, we wantto juice most of the celery last but we’re going to go ahead and put in a little bitof celery now, let it crush some of that celery up. and let’s see next up, we haven’t juicedany of that avocado, next we’re going to go ahead and dump in that avocado, let’ssee how the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer’ does with the avocado. and drop in another piece of apple, even thatpit of the avocado, no problem for the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’ it took it, crushedit up, and extracted all the nutrients. let’s go ahead and throw in some more ofthe avocado in there and lets go ahead and

throw this guy in there, the turmeric. one whole little piece of turmeric going rightin and we haven’t juiced our cucumber yet, so let’s follow that turmeric with thiscucumber. now, one of the things you may notice on the‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’ is that not all the produce is going down in the machine. so, when that happens in the feed shoot, thani encourage you to take a carrot –or at this point you can take the pusher- to youcan make sure some of that produce is getting fed in. as you guys can see we’re making a lot ofjuice here, that we’re going to have to

shake down our sieve here. next, let’s go ahead and throw in that halfa beet right down in the machine, follow that by some celery. right now, i think we’re ready for the heat;and turn up the heat we’re juicing that pepper right in the machine, seeds and all,no problem for the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’. oh man, i love the beet juice as its comingout, it’s so nice, rich, deep red-purple color. aright, let’s go ahead and juice anotherpiece of avocado in there , let’s go ahead

and juice the rest of our cabbage, going rightin the machine, sucks it right up no problem what so ever. you know, i want to talk for a second to youguys about the slow juicing technology. slow juicing technology has advanced muchsince when it was first invented maybe in the 1990s, this is the latest and greatesttechnology for juicing, it’s the kind that i recommend to you. there's many different slow juicers on themarket whether you got a ‘horizontal single auger juicer’ or whether you got a ‘verticalsingle auger juicer’ or you got something like a ‘twin gear juicer’ or even a standard‘cold-press juicer’; they’re all considered

cold-press juicers, and slow juicers are goingto maximize the amount of nutrition . now, if you’re new into juicing the one i wouldrecommend for you, especially for this particular recipe is a ‘vertical slow juicer’ suchas the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer’ i’m using today. it’s basically the fastest and easiest touse and clean. aright, let’s go ahead and juice anotherpiece of celery there. so, special thing on the celery when we’rejuicing the celery, i’m not just sticking it in and dropping it in, like i do with thecarrots. i’m letting the juicer chew off a littlebit at a time and then i pull it on out.

this ensures that those nice long celery stringswill not clog up the juicer too much. this is very important, otherwise if you don’twant to do it like this, i do encourage you to chop of your celery into like a 8th inchpieces. that’s going to ensure that –minimal cloggingand jamming with machine. as you guys can see the pulp is flowing outof the machine quite nicely, this is very important, if your pulp stops flowing outof the machine and the machines jamming up than that means you’re not doing somethingright and you need to change how your juicing. now, i do like that the ‘kuvings whole slowjuicer’ has a nice long warranty, now that’s very important.

this should be a consideration you guys whenyou’re buying a juicer, right. some juicers may have a short one year warranty,some juicers may have like a warranty, “oh there's 10 year warranty or life time warrantyon the motor,” well, let me tell you the motor is the least likely thing to fail onany juicer. so i encourage you guys to get a juicer thathas a nice long warranty on the motor as well as the rest of the parts. the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’has a nice long 10 year warranty. so, that means that if it ever fails due tomanufactures defect in the 10 years you’re going to be covered and they’re going togo ahead and repair and/or replace the machine,

so you guys can continue to get your freshfruit and vegetable juice on. you know i sod juicers to many people, i getreports literally every week of people that lost weight by juicing. hopefully now they can super charge theirweight loss by using this specific recipe that i’ve shared with you guys today. so, the nice long warranty is your insurancethat you’ll be able to get your fresh juice every day, cause i’ll have people, thatare like, “john i need my juice every day and my juicer broke. what do i do?”

i’m like hey, “well, hey call kuvingsup and they’ll take care of you, they’ll get you fixed up as soon as possible so youcan continue to juice and continue to get the benefits from the fresh fruits and vegetablesin higher quantities than you would normally eat.” i mean that’s a big, huge challenge in americatoday, is that people are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. but, when you juice them it literally makeseating the fruits and vegetables, fun. i wouldn’t have had too much fun eatingfive pounds of produce that i showed you guys on the table here today, but what i’ve doneis i basically juiced all five pounds of produce

and i’m creating some over a quart of vegetablejuice that’s going to be delicious and nutritious to drink. i think i’m almost about done, i had toomuch of this stuff on the table, and we got one last piece celery. i would encourage you guys always to juicethe celery as last, so we’re feeding a little bit of the celery in at a time. also allowing the juicer to pull down someof the excess pulp, that hasn’t actually gotten ejected in the machine. alright, now that we’ve got that last pieceof celery going in there, its pulling in some

of the additional fiber and pulp in the topof the machine, and the main thing is when using the slow juicers you want to let itrun. don’t just put the last produce item inand then turn it off, right. if pulp is still flowing out of the ejectionport and juice is still flowing out of the spout here, you want to let run –maybe evenanother minute or so. so, we’re just going to go ahead and letthis run maybe about another thirty seconds or a minute, and we’ll come back at you,when we’re ready to drink the juice. alright, so looks like the juicers done juicing,no pulp is coming out anymore, there's just some last drips, so we’re just going tojust go ahead and close this spout cap, which

i like a lot. move, this out of the way and bring our juicefront and center for you guys. we’re going to go ahead and shake out anypulp that came into the juicer and as you guys can see, there's just a small bit ofpulp that the ‘kuvings whole slow juicer elite’ made, and we made approximately like-wow, we made 6 cups of juice when juicing about 5 pounds of vegetables, so this is actuallyquite an impressive yield. the next thing i’m going to do, is thatwe’re going to go ahead and take a glass and we’re going to go ahead and show youguys the consistency on this juice. once again we got all the insoluble fiberremoved and kept most of the soluble fiber.

nice, real thin consistency, especially afterstraining, and look at that color. this is the kind of color of the juice i wantyou guys to drink, it’s a nice rich, deep red-purple color, this is a sign of thosespecial anthocyanins that are probably going to help you lose weight and get healthy. now, the next thing we’re going to do iswe’re actually going to super charge our juice. you know there is research on turmeric thatshows adding some fat when consuming turmeric will increase the amount of nutrients you’regoing to absorb from the turmeric as well as with other fruits and vegetables.

but, another thing with the turmeric is thatyou should add some pepper, so we just got some standard pepper here –pepper cornsblack, green, and white. so just to spice this up and make sure weget more nutrition from that turmeric, we’re just going to go ahead and –just a few grindsin there to add a little bit of pepper. we’re then going to go ahead and take thatglass straw, mix that up really nice. you’re probably not even going to tastethat pepper, and now we’re going to go ahead and drink and enjoy. you know what, that’s one of the best juicerecipes i’ve ever created. now, i want to warn you guys, i definitelyfeel the heat.

my mouth is nice and warm right now but that'sgood, because its winter time right now, and many of you guys might be cold so having somepeppers in your life is going to warm you up a little bit. you know if you’re not too daring, you mightwant to start out with half a pepper, or a quarter of a pepper and definitely use onof the ones that are not quite as hot, so jalapeã±os are going to be one of the onesthat aren’t quite as hot as one of the ones i used; i think it’s on the level of a serranoand unless you’re like really into hot peppers, don’t use a habanero cause that one you’regoing to be like overheated. but, other than that this has a really niceflavor.

i mean to me this tastes really neutral, imean you taste the vegetables in there but it’s not like –i made some juices wherei actually had to plug my nose and chug it down, but basically i formulated this recipeyou know with a lot of nice watery ingredients the apples, the celery, and the cucumber. but, also with a lot of rich phytonutrientingredients as well, you know the carrots actually have a nice sweet flavor, even ifyou juice them on their own. but, i think it’s better to juice them alltogether like this, to get their synergistic effects. when juicing with the things like the fatand the turmeric, for the high antioxidant

potential of those foods. so, finally i want to let you guys know, whilejuicing is no magical cure to lose weight, it is and should be part of a healthy dietthat is focused around plants. even if you’re not going to go vegan orwhatever, i don’t really care, -what i do want- what i do care about is that you guysinclud more fresh fruits and vegetables in your life, because you will achieve the benefitsfrom that. you know, i want to know, use my juice recipe,use it for 10 days and leave comments down below to let me know how my juice recipe workedfor you. i formulated this not only for people to loseweight, but for people to maximize their amounts

of phytonutrients and phytochemicals theyget in them with some of the healthiest foods on the planet. and this is what i drink and this is why i’mdrinking this juice for you guys today, and i’m confident it can help you, like itshelped me and i look forward to reading all your testimonials down below. that being said as much as this juice is reallyhealthy, i do also encourage you guys to drink other juices and come up with your own recipesso that you guys can get a myriad and a full wide spectrum of fruits and vegetables inyour diet, because each one –as much as the cabbage has certain phytonutrients, everydifferent fruit and vegetable have a different

spectrum of these different phytonutrientsand phytochemicals that are going to help your body fight disease, fight inflammation,fight disease, and more importantly lose weight. of course you also get things like havingmore energy because juice is one of the easiest things to digest and after going through christmasrecently and eating those big christmas meals and getting tired after your done eating becauseall the food that you just ate, now your body has to use a lot of energy to digest it. juice is the easiest thing, so my recommendationfor drinking juice is to basically wake up in the morning and make your juice straightoff and just skip breakfast. you don’t need breakfast, drink you freshjuice and drink a nice quantity of juice.

you know, i didn’t make just 16 ounces,i made 6 cups of juice. minimum i like to drink 32 ounces, maximumif i’m getting around 6-7 cups, this is like basically a meal replacement and thisis one of the best meal replacements you guys could ever get into you, because its fullof phytonutrients and phytochemicals, high in water content which is also going to keepyou hydrated which is also very important for weight loss. but, more importantly its low in caloriescompared to other foods that you would be eating. so anyways with that if you guys enjoyed thisepisode, enjoyed this format, hey please be

sure to give me a thumbs up to let me know. that’ll encourage me to do more videos likethis, where i share my special recipes with you guys. also be sure to share this video with somebodythat you’re trying to help them lose weight. maybe you get a buddy system and you guysboth could get a juicer and start making these juices and keep tabs on each other and makesure you stay up to date and continue to juice each and every day. i think this video can help so many peoplein so many ways, if it is watched more and shared more.

also be sure to click that subscribe buttonright down below, so you don’t miss out on any of my new and upcoming episodes, ihave coming out about every 5-7 days. you never know what kind of juice recipe i’llbe sharing with you guys or what kind of juicer demonstration, or juicer comparison i’llbe sharing with you guys, because i’m all about sharing with you guys the latest andgreatest technology and kitchen appliances that’ll allow you to get the healthieston the planet into you, the fruits and the vegetables. also be sure to check my past episodes, mypast episodes are a wealth of knowledge, over 450 videos on this youtube channel, dedicatedto teaching you guys all about eating more

fruits and vegetables, testing different juicers,blenders and dehydrators, so you guys can get the right juicer for you. also i encourage you guys if you guys enjoyedthis episode and liked me and my work, please support me and my work by making your purchaseat ‘’ this allows me to continue to make these educational videosfor you guys to share with you guys simply what i’ve learned over the last 20+ yearsof eating a healthy diet as well as incorporating juicing into my life. so, with that my name is john kohler with‘’, be sure to visit ‘’ for somespecial promotional offers

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